The Ohio State University Press
Spring 2013

Spring 2013 Catalog Answerable Style: The Idea of the Literary in Medieval England
Edited by Frank Grady and Andrew Galloway
Fictions of Evidence: Witnessing, Literature, and Community in the Late Middle Ages
Jamie K. Taylor
Translating Troy: Provincial Politics in Alliterative Romance
Alex Mueller
The Queer Limit of Black Memory: Black Lesbian Literature and Irresolution
Matt Richardson
The Ethics of Swagger: Prizewinning African American Novels, 1977–1993
Michael DeRell Hill
Witches, Goddesses, and Angry Spirits: The Politics of Spiritual Liberation in African Diaspora Women’s Fiction
Maha Marouan
Art after Philosophy: Boris Pasternak’s Early Prose
Elena Glazov-Corrigan
Narrative Discourse: Authors and Narrators in Literature, Film, and Art
Patrick Colm Hogan
Dreaming America: Popular Front Ideals and Aesthetics in Children’s Plays of the Federal Theatre Project
Leslie Elaine Frost
Victorian Women Writers, Radical Grandmothers, and the Gendering of God
Gail Turley Houston
Preaching and the Rise of the American Novel
Dawn Coleman
Hard Sayings: The Rhetoric of Christian Orthodoxy in Late Modern Fiction
Thomas F. Haddox
Redrawing French Empire in Comics
Mark McKinney
George Eliot in Society: Travels Abroad and Sundays at the Priory
Kathleen McCormack
Victorian Art Criticism and the Woman Writer
John Paul M. Kanwit
Recovering Disability in Early Modern England
Edited by Allison P. Hobgood and David Houston Wood
Rhetorics of Literacy: The Cultivation of American Dialect Poetry
Nadia Nurhussein
The Body of Writing: An Erotics of Contemporary American Fiction
Flore Chevaillier
The Deer in the Mirror
Cary Holladay

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