Code of Ethics

The Ohio State University Press journals program is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct for journals publishers, editors, authors, and reviewers. We recommend the resources of COPE Core Practices.

All journals editors are expected to enable a fair peer review, decision-making, and publication process. This includes committing to screening for matters of conflicts-of-interest, plagiarism, or other ethics-related concerns, such as allegations of misconduct, complaints, or corrections. The editors manage the selection of content, which is then provided to the publisher.

All reviewers are expected to comply with the highest standards of peer reviewing in their field.

All journals article authors are expected to comply with the policies and guidelines of authorship outlined in their copyright transfer form including but not limited to issues of authorship, permissions for use of images, data, and copyrighted content, and any intellectual property concerns.

The publisher commits to assisting all stakeholders in the publishing process, to enabling publication of data, and to publishing corrections or retractions if necessary in the online hosting platforms (journals of record). We commit to taking seriously any allegations of misconduct or conflicts of interest and assisting with any ethics concern brought to our attention. On our website we publish contact information for our staff members and the names and locations of current editorial board members in order to enable anyone to contact the larger organizational body of the society or the journal.