Humans and Other Animals
Edited by Arien Mack
Foreword by Marc Bekoff
Throughout history and in all places, animals have been an essential part of human culture. They have been hunted and domesticated, studied and mythologized, feared and loved. Our complicated relationships with other animals have repeatedly found expression in art, literature, religion, and science.
In 1995 the New School for Social Research sponsored a landmark conference to explore human/animal interactions. Published as a special issue of the journal Social Research (under the title In the Company of Animals), this collection is now available for the first time in a paperback edition.
Table of Contents
- Foreword: Marc Bekoff
- Editor's Introduction: Arien Mack
- Categories
Introduction: Harriet Ritvo
Aristotle, the Scale of Nature, and Modern Attitudes to Animals: Juliet Clutton-Brock
A Taxonomy of Knowing: Vicki Hearne
“I named them as they passed”: John Hollander - Histories
Introduction: Nicholas Humphrey
Border Trouble: Harriet Ritvo
The Spotted Hyena From Aristotleto the Lion King: Stephen Glickman
Animals and the Law: Jerrold Tannenbaum
Keynote Address: Stephen Jay Gould - Representations
Introduction: John Hollander
Fabling Beasts: Nicholas Howe
Wild Animals in Print: Gerald Vizenor - Sameness and Difference
Introduction: Cora Diamond
Animal Consciousness: Daniel C. Dennett
Apes- Language and Cognitive Skills: Duane Rumbaugh
Animal Minds, Animal Morality:Colin McGinn - Everyday Life
Introduction: Kenneth Prewitt
Bestial Myths: Wendy Doniger
The Sound of Horns and Hunting: Matt Cartmill
Scientists and Animal Research: Andrew Rowan
Arien Mack is Marrow Professor of Psychology at the New School University
and the editor of Social Research. Marc Bekoff is a professor of
environmental, populations, and organismic biology at the University of
Colorado, Boulder.
Mar 1999
History 450 pp. 6 x 9 4 halftones, 9 line drawings |
$24.95 paper 978-0-8142-5017-4 | Add paperback to shopping cart |
$55.95 cloth 978-0-8142-0817-5 | Add cloth to shopping cart |