

A Journal of Culture and Literature

Edited by Deborah Logan, Western Kentucky University, through 2024

Edited by Kristen Pond, Baylor University, starting 2025    

2024 Press Release  

2024 Call for Papers  

Frequency: Biannually

Print ISSN: 2166-0107
Electronic ISSN: 2475-6741

Aims and Scope: Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature welcomes interdisciplinary approaches to Victorian literature and culture and continues to respond to developmental shifts in the discipline of Victorian studies. VCL looks forward to continuing its long history of scholarly excellence and professional integrity.

Manuscript Submissions

Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature welcomes interdisciplinary approaches to Victorian literature and culture and continues to respond to developmental shifts in the discipline of Victorian studies. VCL looks forward to continuing its long history of scholarly excellence and professional integrity.

Please direct any questions to: Kristen Pond at

Article types

The journal accepts essays and book reviews.

Submission requirements

Manuscript Format

Please follow MLA 7 formatting and documentation. word count: between 7,000 and 10,000 words, inclusive of endnotes and bibliography.

Use American spellings in author narrative and preserving British spellings as they occur in quotations

Apply American grammatical usage

Follow MLA 7 punctuation and citation formatting. See the MLA website for any further information:


Images for initial files can be embedded in the Microsoft word file. Please confirm rights and permissions for images for both print and online format. Captions should be included.

For final files, images should be sent individually, in .tiff or .jpg format, at least 300 dpi at page display size.  The files should be numbered consecutively, and captions should be provided along with callouts (where to place images) in the main text of the manuscript, including a permission line where appropriate. Alt text for accessibility should also be included. Authors are responsible for researching and confirming rights and permissions for images for both print and online format.

Citation Examples


Alexander, Christine, and Margaret Smith. The Oxford Companion to the Brontës. Oxford UP, 2006.Chapter in an edited volume:

Maynard, John. “Poetry of Anne, Charlotte, and Emily.” A Companion to the Brontës, edited by Deborah Denenholz Morse and Diane Long Hoeveler, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, pp. 299–47.

Journal article:

Winnifrith, Tom. “The Religion of Patrick Brontë.” Brontë Studies, vol. 37, no. 4, 2012, pp. 267–71.

Submit to Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature

Editorial Board

Susan Civale, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Mary Ellis Gibson, Colby College, US
Linda Hughes, TCU, US
Mark Knight, Lancaster University, UK
Charles LaPorte, University of Washington, US
Timothy Larsen, Wheaton College, US
Elizabeth Ludlow, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Emma Mason, University of Warwick, UK
Stefanie Markovits, Yale University, US
Carolyn Oulton, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Aubrey Plourde, University of Lynchburg, US
Talia Schaffer, Graduate Center, CUNY, US
Doreen Thierauf, North Carolina Wesleyan University, US
Maria Su Wang, Biola University, US
Winter Jade Werner, Wheaton College

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 All OSUPress journals follow the Code of Ethics detailed here.   

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