
The Journal of Higher Education

Beginning in January 2017 with Volume 88(1) The Journal of Higher Education is published and distributed by Taylor & Francis under the Routledge Imprint.

Editor-in-Chief - Stephen John Quaye, Ph D., The Ohio State University

Associate Editor -  Denisa Gándara, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University   

Associate Editor -  Juan Garibay, Ph.D., University of Virginia

Associate Editor - Dawn Johnson, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Associate Editor -  Darris Means, Ph.D., Clemson University

Associate Editor -  Christina Yao, Ph.D., University of South Carolina

Managing Editor  - Michelle Leao, M.S.Ed., The Ohio State University

Frequency: Bimonthly (January, March, May, July, September, November)
ISSN: 0022-1546

Founded in 1930, The Journal of Higher Education (JHE) publishes original research and theoretical manuscripts on U.S. higher education. We publish two kinds of articles: empirical articles and scholarly, theoretical, or conceptual articles. Authors publishing empirical articles report the methodology, methods, and findings of an original research study; whereas, authors publishing scholarly, theoretical, or conceptual articles are making a strong, theoretical argument about a higher education issue. In either case, articles must address the main functions of higher education within the United States and the dynamic role of the university in society.

We publish scholarship from various theoretical perspectives and higher education topical areas. Articles appearing in the Journal employ an array of methodological approaches, and we welcome work from scholars across a range of career stages.

Comparative and international scholarship should make clear connections to the United States and include participants from the U.S. context.

Manuscripts NOT suitable for submission and NOT considered for publication include the following:

  • Those that do not engage deeply with the higher education literature
  • Commentaries or essays about higher education
  • Comparative and international scholarship not connected to the U.S. context
  • Non-academic, institutional, and program evaluations or reports
  • Book reviews
  • Special issue proposals

  • Prior to submitting a manuscript, we ask that you review the aims and scope of the Journal and ensure your manuscript aligns with the aims and scope. We also strongly encourage authors to read previous articles published in JHE to understand the quality and focus of articles in the Journal. Although we do not require that you cite manuscripts published in the Journal in your work, authors must ground their work deeply in the higher education scholarship.

    Thank you for your interest in submitting your work to JHE. We look forward to your submission.

    Instructions for Authors

    To submit, please visit the Journal of Higher Education website at Taylor and Francis:

    Editorial Board

    Tracy Arámbula Turner, Ph.D., University of Vermont
    Peter Riley Bahr, Ph.D., University of Michigan
    Vicki L. Baker, MBA, MS, Ph.D. SHRM-CP, Albion College
    Sondra N. Barringer, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University
    Cameron C. Beatty, Ph.D., Florida State University
    Angela Boatman, Ed.D., Boston College
    William Casey Boland, Ph.D., Baruch College- The City University of New York
    Nicholas A. Bowman, Ph.D., University of Iowa
    Roshaunda L. Breeden, Ph.D., East Carolina University
    Kaleb L. Briscoe, Ph.D., The University of Oklahoma
    W. Carson Byrd, Ph.D., University of Michigan
    Timothy Cain, Ph.D., University of Georgia
    Rozana Carducci, Ph.D., Elon University
    Isabelle Chang, Ph.D., Temple University
    Marcela G. Cuellar, Ph.D., University of California Davis
    Linda DeAngelo, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
    Jay Dee, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Boston
    Noah D. Drezner, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
    Brent J. Evans, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University
    Eric R. Felix, Ph.D., San Diego State University
    Gina Ann Garcia, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
    Jason C. Garvey, Ph.D., University of Vermont
    Leslie D. Gonzales, Ed.D, Michigan State University
    Casandra Harper, Ph.D., University of Missouri
    Jessica Harris, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
    Xiaodan Hu, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University
    Tara D. Hudson, Ph.D., Kent State University
    Sarah S. Hurtado, Ph.D., University of Denver
    Megan Iantosca, Ph.D., University of Buffalo
    Royel Johnson, Ph.D., University of Southern California
    Jennifer M. Johnson, Ph.D., Temple University
    Sosanya Jones, Ed.D., Howard University
    Vijay Kanagala, Ph.D., Salem State University
    Young Kim, Ph.D., Azusa Pacific University
    Carrie Kortegast, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University
    Alex C. Lange, Ph.D., Colorado State University
    Amanda O. Latz, Ed.D., Ball State University
    Amy Li, Ph.D., Florida International University
    Jacqueline Mac, Ph.D., Northern Illinois Universityz
    Dina C. Maramba, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University
    Patricia Marin, Ph.D., Michigan State University
    Judy Marquez Kiyama, Ph.D., University of Arizona
    Heather McCambly, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
    Kevin R. McClure, Ph.D., University of North Carolina Wilmington
    Keon McGuire, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
    Mike Hoa Nguyen, Ph.D., New York University
    Taylor Odle, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Christine A. Ogren, Ph.D., University of Iowa
    Wilson Kwamogi Okello, Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
    Edlyn Vallejo Peña, Ph.D., California Lutheran University
    Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D., Florida State University
    Ann Person, Ph.D., Mathematica
    Stephen Porter, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
    Brian Pusser, Ph.D., University of Virginia
    Gary Rhoades, Ph.D., University of Arizona
    Blanca Rincon, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    Heather T. Rowan-Kenyon, Ph.D., Boston College
    Paul G. Rubin, Ph.D., University of Utah
    Margaret Sallee, Ph.D., University of Buffalo
    Vanessa A. Sansone, Ed.D., The University of Texas at San Antonio
    Linda Sax, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
    Benjamin Selznick, Ph.D., James Madison University
    Daryl Smith, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University
    TJ Stewart, Ph.D., Iowa State University
    Amy E. Stich, Ph.D., University of Georgia
    Barrett Jay Taylor, Ph.D., University of North Texas
    Jason K. Wallace, Ph.D., Mississippi State University
    Xueli Wang, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison
    Stephanie J. Waterman, Ph.D., University of Toronto
    Gregory Wolniak, Ph.D., Mathematica

    The Journal of Higher Education Special Issue Call

    Countering Legislative Attacks on Higher Education: Challenges, Strategies, and Future Directions

    Guest Editors

    Kaleb L. Briscoe (University of Oklahoma)

    Liliana M. Garces (University of Texas at Austin)

    Royel M. Johnson (University of Southern California)

    In the midst of well-funded and coordinated attacks on higher education in the form of anti-CRT (critical race theory), anti-DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) and anti-trans/anti-LGB legislation, this special issue of The Journal of Higher Education focuses on advancing understanding of the nuances of these attacks and, more importantly, developing innovative, forward-thinking strategies for action. The special issue will offer practical, implementable strategies and guidance for higher education institutional leaders, policymakers, and practitioners to navigate and counter these challenges. Once the special issue is published, we will strategize opportunities for authors to meaningfully disseminate their work to relevant audiences.

    We seek manuscripts that do one or more of the following:

    • Provide discourse analyses of legislative bills targeting CRT, DEI, and LGBTQ issues to unearth their core themes and provide avenues for deeper understanding and insight.
    • Develop strategic frameworks that institutional leaders and other stakeholders can employ to advocate for, protect, and advance equity initiatives.
    • Employ case studies of success in advancing DEI under restrictive legislative environments.
    • Offer collaborative efforts between academia, legal experts, and advocacy groups in countering legislative restrictions.
    • Conduct policy analyses and recommendations for navigating and overturning restrictive legislation.
    • Provide empirical studies on the effects of restrictive legislation on students, faculty, and staff.
    • Offer promising and innovative teaching methods and curricular adaptations that support DEI objectives in constrained contexts.

    Interested authors should submit Abstracts (500 words maximum, 12-pt font, one-inch margins, single-spaced) for consideration by August 1, 2024.

    • Authors’ names and affiliations (not included in the word count)
    • Tentative title (not included in the word count)
    • How the manuscript addresses the call of the special issue, including a description of the study/idea, theoretical/conceptual and/or policy or practical contribution, and ability to complete and submit the full manuscript by November 15, 2024 if invited.

    Abstracts above the word limit will not be considered.

    Once abstract is accepted, invited manuscripts must follow this general format:

    • Key framing of the core issues/ideas advanced.
    • Data and evidence to support the issues/ideas offered with examples.
    • Recommendations and implementable strategies for leaders, educators, students, and policymakers that are grounded in the realities and contexts in which they are situated.


    • August 1, 2024: Abstracts Due
    • September 3, 2024: Decision on Abstracts to Authors
    • November 15, 2024: Initial, Full Manuscript Due
    • January 2025 : Revise or Reject Decision & Round 1 Feedback to Authors
    • February 28, 2025: Revised Manuscript Due
    • April 2025: Revise or Reject Decision & Round 2 Feedback to Authors
    • May 15, 2025: Final Manuscript Due
    • Once accepted, article will be published Online First, with final print publication by August 2025


    Submit your 500-word abstract to by August 1, 2024 | 5:00 pm EDT. No late submissions will be accepted.

    Direct inquiries to with “JHE Special Issue” in the subject line.

    We look forward to your submission.


    Stephen John Quaye
    Editor, The Journal of Higher Education

    Contact Taylor and Francis to sign up for alerts.

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    JHE archives from 2002–2016 are available digitally through Project Muse.