New & Forthcoming Trillium Titles:

The Fertile Earth and the Ordered Cosmos: Reflections on the Newark Earthworks and World Heritage
M. Elizabeth Weiser, Timothy R. W. Jordan, and Richard D. Shiels, Editors

A History of Physical Education and Athletics at Oberlin College
Lee C. Drickamer with Fredrick D. Shults

We Got By: A Black Family’s Journey in the Heartland
Ric S. Sheffield

Good Medicine, Hard Times: Memoir of a Combat Physician in Iraq
Edward P. Horvath, MD

A History of Hate in Ohio: Then and Now
Michael E. Brooks and Bob Fitrakis
Introduction by Marilyn K. Howard

Fulfilling the 21st Century Land-Grant Mission
Essays in Honor of The Ohio State University’s Sesquicentennial Commemoration
Edited by Stephen M. Gavazzi and David J. Staley

A Mile and a Half of Lines
The Art of James Thurber
Michael J. Rosen
with contributions from Ian Frazier, Seymour Chwast, Liza Donnelly, Michael Maslin, and Rosemary Thurber

Not Far from Me
Stories of Opioids and Ohio
Edited by Daniel Skinner and Berkeley Franz

Time and Change
150 Years of The Ohio State University
Tamar Chute
with a Letter by President Michael V. Drake and an Afterword by Provost Bruce A. McPheron

Voices from the Ape House
Elizabeth Lynn Armstrong

The Columbus Anthology
Edited and with an Introduction by Amanda Page

The Rise, Decline, and Transition of an Industrial City
Adam A. Millsap

On the Back of a Turtle
A Narrative of the Huron-Wyandot People
Lloyd E. Divine Jr.

Does That Make Sense?
The Best of Joe Blundo
Joe Blundo

Sparks Flew
WOSU’s Century on the Air
Thomas M. Rieland

Dance of the Trustees
On the Astonishing Concerns of a Small Ohio Township
Dylan Taylor-Lehman

James R. Hopkins
Faces of the Heartland
Mark B. Pohlad
Co-published with the Columbus Museum of Art

Every Species of Hope
Georgics, Haiku, and Other Poems
Michael J. Rosen

Community In-Between / Urur Dhex-Dhexaad Ah
Portraits of Somali-Americans in Columbus
Qorsho Hassan and Ruth M. Smith

Polonium in the Playhouse
The Manhattan Project's Secret Chemistry Work in Dayton, Ohio
Linda Carrick Thomas

Bob Hunter

My Father's Closet
Karen A. McClintock

The Haygoods of Columbus
A Love Story
Wil Haygood

Iron Valley
The Transformation of the Iron Industry in Ohio's Mahoning Valley, 1802-1913
Clayton J. Ruminski

Columbus, Ohio
Two Centuries of Business and Environmental Change
Mansel Blackford

Lustron Stories
Charles Mintz

The Gentleman from Ohio
Congressman Louis Stokes and David Chanoff