Prospective Authors

As academic book publishers, we concentrate in literary and cultural studies of all types, (which includes narrative theory, comics, multiethnic literatures, Victorian studies, and medieval studies, among other areas), American studies, rhetoric and communication, race and ethnic studies, and gender and sexuality studies. As the book publishing branch of the Ohio State University we also publish regional books that are of interest to the citizens of the state of Ohio, primarily about their history, environment, and culture, which we publish on our Trillium imprint. In addition, we publish creative works — including the winning manuscripts of our poetry and prose prizes — on our Mad Creek Books imprint.

Scholars and writers proposing manuscripts for publication should submit whatever materials they feel are necessary for the acquisitions department at Ohio State University Press to make an informed decision about the project.

A typical book inquiry might include the following:

  • a general description, or overview of the proposed book
  • a table of contents, including a brief precis for each chapter
  • a sample chapter, if available
  • a word count of the project (including bibliography, notes, etc.)
  • an analysis of the expected audience, or market, for the book
  • a round-up of competing books (if any exist), and a brief explanation of the uniqueness of the proposed book
  • a curriculum vitae

Kristen Elias Rowley is Editorial Director and acquires American studies, race & ethnic studies, Latinx studies, and creative works. Tara Cyphers is the Acquisitions Editor for rhetoric & communication. Ana Jimenez-Moreno is the Acquisitions Editor for literary studies and cultural studies. Becca Bostock is the acquiring editor for Victorian studies and gender & sexuality studies. Please submit all proposals electronically via email, except for submissions to Mad Creek Books, which should be submitted via Submittable here.

The Ohio State University Press also has two imprints, Trillium, for regional books, and Mad Creek, for creative works. For Mad Creek books, contact Kristen Elias Rowley. For Trillium books, contact Tony Sanfilippo.

OSUP accepts and considers manuscript proposals year round for all of the areas in which we publish. If you are unsure whether your project is a good fit for our list, please query an editor before sending your proposal.

Please email your proposal, as an attachment, to the relevant editor, or to the Editorial Director. Please do not send an entire manuscript unless you are directed to do so by an editor.

If an editor decides to consider your project further, they will request the entire manuscript, if it is available. If an editor decides to consider your proposal for publication, they will then send your work to at least two peer readers for review. The review process can take anywhere from three to six months. Positive recommendations to publish are presented to the Press’s Editorial Board for formal approval to offer a publishing contract. Once a final book manuscript is delivered to the Press for publication, it takes less than ten months to complete the production process, including copyediting, typesetting, printing, and binding.

Regional and creative works may or may not undergo the peer review process depending on the nature of the manuscript. Questions about the regional book review and acquisitions process should be directed to Tony Sanfilippo. Questions about the creative works book review and acquisitions process should be directed to Kristen Elias Rowley.