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Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society

Edited by Susan Kirtley, Portland State University

Aims and Scope: Inks, the journal of the Comics Studies Society, features scholarly research on sequential art, graphic narrative, and cartooning. The journal seeks to bring together scholarly essays, archival materials, and insights and discoveries from leading comics professionals. Inks highlights scholarship from a variety of disciplines and invites essays on all periods of comic history, as well as considering both a US or an international comics focus. 

Inks is available electronically through Project Muse

Frequency: Triannually
ISSN Print: 2473-5191
ISSN Online: 2473-5205

Individual subscriptions to Inks include membership in The Comics Studies Society. Johns Hopkins University Press handles all Ohio State University Press subscription and customer services. Clicking the order button below will take you directly to their ordering page.

Instructions for Authors

Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society invites scholarly essays on any aspect of comics, including comic strips; comic books, papers, and magazines; graphic novels, albums, and other graphic books; webcomics and other electronic formats; single-panel cartoons, including editorial and gag cartoons; caricature; animation; and all other related forms and traditions. 

Peer Review Statement 

Submissions are evaluated using an anonymous peer review process. 

Style Guide 

Inks uses a house style based on the current edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (endnotes). Manuscripts should be limited to roughly 8000 words including notes and should be submitted via the Scholastica portal. Full submission guidelines are available here.

Sample Copyright Form

Submit to Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society


Editorial Board

Founding Editor Emerita

Lucy Shelton Caswell


Susan Kirtley, Portland State University

Associate Editors (Peer-reviewed Scholarship

Jeanette Roan, California College of the Arts

Marc Singer, Howard University

Lara Saguisag, NYU at Steinhardt

Associate Editor (Book Reviews)

Brannon Costello (Louisiana State University

Associate Editors (Archives)

Caitlin McGurk, The Ohio State University

Jenny Robb, The Ohio State University

Assistant Editor

Kay Sohini Sen

Editorial Advisory Board

Michelle Ann Abate (The Ohio State University, US)

Jose Alaniz (University of Washington, US)

Frederick Aldama (University of Texas at Austin, US)

Jan Baetens (University of Leuven, Belgium)

Christina Blanch (, US

Frank Bramlett (University of Nebraska at Omaha, US)

Casey Brienza (City University london, UK)

Hillary Chute (University of Chicago, US)

Corey K. Creekmur (University of Iowa, US)

Brian Cremins (Harper College, US)

Lan Dong (University of Illinois Springfield, US)

Ramzi Fawaz (University of Wisconsin, US)

Frances Gateward (California State University Northridge, US)

Paul Gravett (, independent comic artist

Ryan Holmberg (Sainsbury Institute for the Study of 
Japanese Arts and Cultures, UK)

Dale Jacobs (University of Windsor, Canada)

Henry Jenkins (University of Southern California, US)

Shiamin Kwa (Bryn Mawr College, US)

A. David Lewis (MCPHS University, US)

Frenchy Lunning (Minneapolis College of Art and Design, US)

Anne Magnussen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)

Mark McKinney (Miami University, US)

Dean Mullaney (Library of American Comics, US)

Candida Rifkind (University of Winnipeg, Canada)

Randall W. Scott (Michigan State, US)

Matthew J. Smith (Wittenberg University, US)

Art Spiegelman, independent comic artist

Daniel Stein (University of Siegen, Germany, US)

James Sturm (Center for Cartoon Studies, US)

Brian Walker (, independent comic artist

Rebecca Wanzo (Washington University in St. Louis, US)

Robyn Warhol (The Ohio State University, US)

Richard Samuel West (Periodyssey Press, US)

To see the table of contents for the current issue, visit the issue page on ProjectMUSE.


From the Archives

“From the Archives” is an ongoing series in Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society that features illustrated articles highlighting distinctive comics and cartoon collections available for teaching and research at libraries, archives, or museums, as well as occasionally sharing rarely seen historical materials from private collections. The goal is to surface little-known or hidden titles, artists, or archival materials to inspire and inform the work of comics scholars and teachers.

Proposals should include a description of the “archive” to be shared along with an abstract of the introductory essay designed to contextualize the materials for further study or use in teaching. Length of the introductory essay will vary depending on the nature of the collection and the approach of the author but should generally be between 2,000 and 4,000 words.

Please send a 500-word abstract briefly describing the collection along with example illustrations and a 2-page CV (or 250-word biographical statement) to Jenny E. Robb at robb.41[at]


From the Field
Comics Professionals on Comics Studies

“From the Field” is an ongoing series in Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society that features conversations among comics professionals and reflections that offer new insight into the issues and debates that are circulating in our field today. Submissions can include:

  • Short, timely, and well-crafted interviews with cartoonists or other scholars in the field;
  • Brief edited and revised transcriptions of conference panels or conversations;
  •  Reflective essays on the state of comics studies, on current research projects, or on other concerns in the field;
  • Illustrated essays or brief essays and interviews in comics form.
Length of the submissions will vary based on the content and format but should generally be between 2,000 and 4,000 words. Please send a 500-word abstract and a 2-page CV (or 250 word biographical statement) to inks[at]

Code of Ethics

 All OSUPress journals follow the Code of Ethics detailed here.   

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