Winner of the Edward Sagarin Prize

Last One over the Wall
The Massachusetts Experiment in Closing Reform Schools
Second Edition
Jerome G. Miller
“The rage that motivated Mr. Miller in Massachusetts burns as hotly today, as his lively memoir, Last One over the Wall, makes clear. . . . The questions it raises for a nation still beset by crime are more relevant than ever.” —New York Times Book Review
Last One over the Wall is an analytical and autobiographical account of Jerome G. Miller’s tenure as head of the Massachusetts juvenile justice system, during which he undertook one of the most daring and drastic steps in recent juvenile justice history—he closed reformatories and returned offenders to community supervision and treatment by private schools and youth agencies. Filled with insights into juvenile and adult behavior in prison and outside, Miller’s account provides a rare opportunity to view our juvenile justice system as a whole, including all the politics, economics, and social biases that come with it. In a new preface for this edition, the author reflects on his decision of seven years ago and the lessons learned from it.
Jerome G. Miller is founder and president of the National Center
on Institutions and Alternatives and former head of juvenile justice systems
in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. He is the author of Search
and Destroy: African American Males in the Criminal Justice System.
Aug 1998 Criminal Justice 1998 xxi, 279 pp. 6 x 9 |
$24.95 paper 978-0-8142-0758-1 | Add paperback to shopping cart |