Accessibility Statement
The Ohio State University Press (OSU Press) is committed to making our publications as accessible as possible, particularly in their electronic form. While we strive to make our PDFs accessible, there are limitations in that format. If you are interested in obtaining an accessible ebook, we recommend that you purchase the EPUB format, available through most major ebook retailers.
History and Status
We first started to implement accessibility measures in our EPUBs (including adding alt text for images) starting with books released in January 2021. Since then, we have tried to learn as much as possible about accessibility and have sought to implement many other features that help make our publications more accessible.
As of Spring 2025, we are currently in the process of becoming a Benetech Global Certified Accessible (GCA) publisher, and all of our EPUBs from January 2025 onward are in compliance with WCAG 2.1 Level AA, meet EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.0 AA, and are LIA Compliant. In addition, our EPUBs are tested with NVDA or Thorium for compatibility.
Accessibility is a top priority for our press. We are committed to staying abreast of new developments in accessibility and producing publications that meet the highest standards of accessibility. Please read on for more about the accessibility enhancements we are working on. If you have any questions about accessibility, please contact us at
Current and Future Accessibility Work
- Become a Benetech Global Certified Accessible (GCA) publisher—certification on target for June 2026
- Meet European Accessibility Act requirements—on target for 6/28/25 deadline
- Include ONIX Accessibility metadata – on target for June 2026
- Remediate older publications for accessibility, as time and funding allow—20 backlist titles scheduled for remediation