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Joyce in the Hibernian Metropolis
Edited by Morris Beja and David Norris
This volume collects the best essays from the 1992 International James Joyce Symposium held in Dublin, which had as its title “In the Heart of Hibernian Metropolis.” Dublin, of course, has special attraction for Joyceans as both the source and subject matter of Joyce's genius, but the essays reproduced here reflect—like the symposium itself—the newest and most exciting trends in Joyce scholarship from around the world.
Table of Contents
- Joyce’s AquaCities Robert Adams Day
- Catching the Conscience of a Race: Joyce and Celticism Vincent J. Cheng
- OndtHarriet, PoldyLeon and Shem the Conman David Norris
- Czech Ulysses: Joyce and the Political Correctness, East and West Jeffrey Segall
- I Don't Understand. I Fail to Say. I Dearsee You Too Louis Lentin
- Approaching Joyce with an Attitude Morris Beja
- “A Would-Be-Dirty Mind”: D. H. Lawrence as an Enemy of Joyce Paul Delany
- Rebecca West vs. James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, and William Carlos Williams Austin Briggs
- “Nausicaa”: Monologue as Monologic Richard Pearce
- For Gerty Had Her Dreams that No-one Knew Of Philip Weinstein
- When Is a Man Not a Man? or, The Male Feminist Approaches “Nausicaa” Patrick McGee
- “Nausicaa”: For [Wo]men Only? Jennifer Levine
- All Things Come in Threes: Ménage � Trois in Dubliners Zack Bowen
- Duffy's Adventure: “A Painful Case” as Existential Text James D. LeBlanc
- Dancing a Pas de Deux in Exiles's Ménage � Quatre; or, How Many Triangles Can You Make Out of Four Characters If You Take Them Two at a Time? Ruth Bauerle
- The Wandering Gentile: Joyce's Emotional Odyssey in Pomes Penyeach Adriaan van der Weel and Ruud Hisgen
- A Brief Allegory of Readings: 1979–1992 Jennifer Levine
- Between Inventio and Memoria: Locations of “Aeolus” Daniel Ferrer
- “Aeolus”: Reading Backward Maud Ellmann
- Stephen Haunted by His Gender: The Uncanny Portrait Sheldon Brivic
- That Form Endearing: A Performance of Siren Songs; or, “I was only vamping, man” Sebastian D. G. Knowles
- Cribs in the Countinghouse: Plagiarism, Proliferation, and Labor in “Oxen of the Sun” Mark Osteen
- The Irish Undergrounds of Joyce and Heaney John S. Rickard
- Cinema Fakes: Film and Joycean Fantasy Thomas L. Burkdall
- Mulligan and Molly: The Beginning and the End Ralph W. Rader
- Finnegans Wake: The Obliquity of Trans-lations Laurent Milesi
- Countlessness of Livestories: Narrativity in Finnegans Wake Derek Attridge
Morris Beja is professor of English at The Ohio State University. He
is the author of numerous works on James Joyce. David Norris teaches at Trinity College, the University of Dublin, and
is also a member of the Upper House of the Irish Parliament and a bureau
member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
1996 312 pp | This title is no longer available in a traditional print edition. Click here for free access to the book’s full text. |