The Woody Plants of Ohio
Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Climbers: Native, Naturalized, and Escaped
E. Lucy Braun
“Dr. Braun’s careful and detailed data, her workable identification
keys, and the exquisite illustration of Elizabeth Dalve combine to make
this a very useful publication for both scientific and lay readers.” —Charles
C. King
“Anyone interested in the flora of the midwest will welcome this publication. Nurserymen and persons interested in ornamental plants will find the volume useful. Every high school biology department in Ohio and adjacent states could profit from a copy of this book. It is the kind of book which may well get students interested in the identification of plants. Dr. Braun has done it again!” —Economic Botany
“Not only Ohioans but plant lovers everywhere will welcome this splendid book prepared by one of America’s foremost botanists and plant ecologists. . . . Of immeasurable value are Miss Braun’s state-county maps charting separately the distribution of almost 350 indigenous species.” —Journal of Forestry
The late E. Lucy Braun was
Professor Emerita of Plant Ecology at the University of Cincinnati and author of
several books, including The Monocotyledoneae: Cat-tails to Orchids,
also published by OSU Press.
1989 362 pp. illus. | |
$33.95 paper 978-0-8142-0497-9 | Add paperback to shopping cart |