Seventh Catalog of the Vascular Plants of Ohio
Edited by Tom S. Cooperrider, Allison W. Cusick, and John T. Kartesz
“This is a carefully done, accurate, up-to-date catalog of the vascular flora of Ohio, an excellent contribution to the systematic botany of Ohio (as well as of eastern North America).” —Jerry M. Baskin, University of Kentucky
Scientific study of Ohio’s plant life began in the late eighteenth century, and the first catalog of Ohio’s vascular plants was published in 1860. The most recent catalog, published in 1932, has understandably become outdated.
Now Tom S. Cooperrider and his co-authors, Barbara K. Andreas, Allison W. Cusick, Guy L Denny, John V. Freudenstein, and John J. Furlow, provide a comprehensive, modern reference covering the Ohio vascular flora. Including two thorough indexes—one to scientific names, one to common names—this user-friendly book will be invaluable for conservation and environmental workers in Ohio and surrounding states.
Tom S. Cooperrider is professor emeritus of biological sciences at Kent
State University. His many publications include
The Dicotyledoneae
of Ohio:
Part 2, Linaceae through Campanulaceae (The Ohio State University Press, 1995). Allison W. Cusick
is chief botanist of the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves of the
Ohio Department of Natural Resources. He has collected more than 30,000
specimens of Ohio plants. John T. Kartesz is director of the Biota of North
America Program at the University of North Carolina and the author of two
volumes on the plants of North America.
Sep 2001
Biological Sciences/Botany 256 pp. 7 7/8 x 9 1/2 |
$31.95 paper 978-0-8142-5061-7 | Add paperback to shopping cart |
$68.95 cloth 978-0-8142-0858-8 | Add cloth to shopping cart |