Spot in the Dark
Beth Gylys
“These poems leap out at me for their rhythmic authority, a sense of a firm and purposeful line. This is a sexy book, it seems to me, but the sex isn’t lurid or juvenile. Instead, it examines with a mature, intellectual and emotional intelligence that is very appealing. And with that it remains sexy.” —Andrew Hudgins
Spot in the Dark is a collection of poetry exploring the nuances of
human relationship. From new love to extra marital affairs to dating to
solitude, the book’s four sections read as a journey on the part of a series of
narrators who wrestle through the beginning and middle stages of love, the
complications of an affair, the challenges of single life, and finally come to
focus on the external world: the beauty and starkness of a winter landscape, the
ebullience of spring, the breathtaking loveliness of a sunset. The book’s arc
moves from examining the human wish and will to connect to another to presenting
the self as part of a larger, richer, and more complicated set of external
relationships. Written predominantly in free verse, these sometimes meditative,
sometimes cynical, sometimes playful poems sift through the difficulties and
pleasures of living in the world.
Beth Gylys is assistant professor of creative writing
at Georgia State University.
Poetry 72 pp. 6 x 9 |
$26.95 cloth 978-0-8142-0981-3 | Add cloth to shopping cart |
$9.95 CD 978-0-8142-9057-6 | Add CD to shopping cart |
The Ohio State University Press/The Journal Award in Poetry |