Language Files

Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics, 11th Edition

Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University


736 pp. 8 1/2 x 11

$59.95 paper 978-0-8142-5179-9
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Info on 12th Edition


“An imaginatively compiled package of stimulating . . . material aimed at the non-major. It will be appreciated most in a course where the primary aim is to kindle an interest in, and create an awareness of, a wide range of language phenomena.” —Innovations in Linguistic Education

“An excellent introduction for students in language and linguistics, this volume covers all aspects of the field, devoting instructive pages to pragmatics, psycholinguistics or languages in wider context (sign language, writing systems, use of computers, etc.) besides the usual phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, language variation and historical linguistics.” —The Journal of Indo-European Studies

Since its inception, Language Files has become one of the most widely adopted, consulted, and authoritative introductory textbooks to linguistics ever written. The scope of the text makes it suitable for use in a wide range of courses, while its unique organization into student-friendly, self-contained sections allows for tremendous flexibility in course design.

The eleventh edition has been revised, clarified, and updated in many places. Additional readings have been added to all sections, and the number of cross-references between chapters has been increased. In many areas throughout the text and exercises, there are references to websites and online resources. In addition, the accompanying Language Files webpage has links to all these sites as well as to many other websites related to language and linguistics that instructors and students may find interesting.

The Department of Linguistics at The Ohio State University (website), founded in 1963, is world renowned for its programs in computational, descriptive, theoretical, and experimental linguistics. The department keeps additional Language Files resources at