Book Cover

Age of Glass

Anna Maria Hong

88 pp. 6 x 8

Pub Date: October, 2018

Subjects: Poetry

Imprint: Cleveland State University Poetry Center

order Paperback $16.00 ISBN: 978-0-9963167-9-8

Winner of the 2017 CSU Poetry Center First Book Competition, Selected by Suzanne Buffam. Winner of the Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber First Book Award 2019.

““The engine of alchemy / was rage. The small man's history of winning / was long but irrelevant,” remarks Anna Maria Hong midway through Age of Glass. This caustic suite of ludic sonnets upcycles old stories—myths, fairytales, fables, clichés—into bright, prismatic spells for the end of days. “Slant reuses / the cant of the box,” the canny speaker incants. “A palindrome pulse / recalibrates luck.” Open this book to any page and you'll be met with lines so timely, so tonic, and so lexically dexterous you'll feel enchanted, however fleetingly, to cohabit this age.” - Suzanne Buffam

“Like the 17th-century Mexican poet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, whose sonnets echo and upstage a notably male and European literary tradition, Anna Maria Hong demonstrates in her own labyrinthine sonnets 'the monstrous breadth' of her poetic abilities, offering in them radical interpretations of myths and fairy tales that speak to our time and dazzle us with their wit and linguistic virtuosity. No one is writing like Anna Maria Hong in this Age of Glass.” - Rosa Alcalá

“Anna Maria Hong's poems—in this case a book of astoundingly innovative sonnets—confirm to us the credo we store in our hearts: that with intelligence, musicality and a love of language poetry can make any subject compelling and revelatory. But it takes a poet with a rare talent like Anna Maria Hong to make us see and joyously declaim what we believe. Age of Glass is a book I've been hoping to read for a long time, from a poet whose work I’ve admired for a longer time.’ - Khaled Mattawa

Anna Maria Hong’s first poetry collection, Age of Glass, won the Cleveland State University Poetry Center’s 2017 First Book Poetry Competition and was published in April 2018. Her novella, H & G, won the A Room of Her Own Foundation’s inaugural Clarissa Dalloway Prize and was published by Sidebrow Books in May 2018. Her second poetry collection, Fablesque, won Tupelo Press’s Berkshire Prize and was published in 2020. A former Bunting Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, she has published poetry, fiction, and essays in numerous journals and anthologies including The Nation, The Iowa Review, Poetry, Ecotone, POOL, Fence, Harvard Review, 250 Poems, Verse Daily, Best New Poets, and The Best American Poetry. She joined the Literature faculty at Bennington College in July 2018.

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