Postclassical Narratology

Approaches and Analyses

Edited by Jan Alber and Monika Fludernik

Theory and Interpretation of Narrative


Literary Criticism/General
323 pp. 6x9

$34.95 paper 978-0-8142-5175-1
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Table of Contents


“[A] must read for those with some experience with narratology. . . . Highly recommended.” —Choice

Postclassical Narratology is an excellent and timely addition to narrative scholarship. I predict it will become one of the standard collections—like David Herman’s Narratologies and Brian Richardson’s Narrative Dynamics. The sooner this book is available for graduate seminars and for working narratologists, the better.” —Robyn Warhol-Down, Arts & Humanities Distinguished Professor of English at The Ohio State University

In this volume, an international group of contributors presents new perspectives on narrative. Using David Herman’s 1999 definition of “postclassical narratology” from Narratologies: New Perspectives on Narrative Analysis (OSUP) as their launching point, these eleven essayists explore the various ways in which new approaches overlap and interrelate to form new ways of understanding narrative texts.

Postclassical narratology has reached a new phase of consolidation but also continued diversification. This collection therefore discriminates between what one could call a critical but frame-abiding and a more radical frame-transcending or frame-shattering handling of the structuralist paradigm.

Postclassical Narratology: Approaches and Analyses discusses a large variety of different aspects of narrative, such as extensions of classical narratology, new generic applications (autobiography, oral narratives, poetry, painting, and film), the history of narratology, the issue of fictionality, the role of cognition, and questions of authorship and authority, as well as thematic matters related to ethics, gender, and queering. Additionally, it uses a wide spectrum of critical approaches, including feminism, psychoanalysis, media studies, the rhetorical theory of narrative, unnatural narratology, and cognitive studies. In this manner the essays manage to produce new insights into many key issues in narratology.

The contributors also demonstrate that narratologists nowadays see the object of their research as more variegated than was the case twenty years ago: they resort to a number of different methods in combination when approaching a problem, and they tend to ground their analyses in a rich contextual framework.

Jan Alber is assistant professor of English at the University of Freiburg, Germany. Monika Fludernik is professor of English, also at the University of Freiburg.