Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Edited by James Phelan, Katra Byram, and Faye Halpern
New & Forthcoming Theory and Interpretation of Narrative Titles:

Slow Narrative across Media
Edited by Marco Caracciolo and Ella Mingazova

Deformative Fictions: Cruelty and Narrative Ethics in Twentieth-Century Latin American Literature
Ashley Hope Pérez

Post-Postmodernist Fiction and the Rise of Digital Epitexts
Virginia Pignagnoli

Becoming Pynchon: Genetic Narratology and V.
Luc Herman and John M. Krafft
Fictionality and Literature: Core Concepts Revisited
Gammelgaard et al., Eds.
A New Anatomy of Storyworlds: What Is, What If, As If
Marie-Laure Ryan
Experiencing Visual Storyworlds: Focalization in Comics
Silke Horstkotte and Nancy Pedri
Narrative in the Anthropocene
Erin James

With Bodies: Narrative Theory and Embodied Cognition
Marco Caracciolo and Karin Kukkonen

Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama
Lars Bernaerts and Jarmila Mildorf

Digital Fiction and the Unnatural: Transmedial Narrative Theory, Method, and Analysis
Astrid Ensslin and Alice Bell

Narrative Bonds: Multiple Narrators in the Victorian Novel
Alexandra Valint

Contemporary French and Francophone Narratology
Edited by John Pier

Unnatural Narratology: Extensions, Revisions, and Challenges
Edited by Jan Alber and Brian Richardsonr

Debating Rhetorical Narratology: On the Synthetic, Mimetic, and Thematic Aspects of Narrative
Matthew Clark and James Phelan

Environment and Narrative: New Directions in Econarratology
Edited by Erin James and Eric Morel

Making Conversation in Modernist Fiction
Elizabeth Alsop

Narratology and Ideology
Negotiating Context, Form, and Theory in Postcolonial Narratives
Edited by Divya Dwivedi, Henrik Skov Nielsen, and Richard Walsh

From Film to Novel
Jan Baetens

Reading Conrad
J. Hillis Miller
Edited by John C. Peters and Jakob Lothe

Narrative, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
Edited by James J. Donahue, Jennifer Ann Ho, and Shaun Morgan

Media of Serial Narrative
Frank Kelleter
This series embraces works that examine a wide range of narrative theories and their applications to fictional and nonfictional texts. Inquiries should be directed to Ana Jimenez-Moreno at The Ohio State University Press.
Explore More
If you are interested in exploring additional on-line resources for the study of narrative, the series editors recommend the following links:
- The Society for the Study of Narrative
- Narrative, the official journal for the Society for the Study of Narrative
- Project Narrative at The Ohio State University
- Manfred Jahn’s Guide to Narratology
- James Phelan’s Website
Older Titles in Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
- The Submerged Plot and the Mother’s Pleasure from Jane Austen to Arundhati Roy
Marsh - Narrating Space / Spatializing Narrative: Where Narrative Theory and Geography Meet
Ryan, Foote, and Azaryahu - Narrative Sequence in Contemporary Narratology
Baroni and Revaz, eds. - Unnatural Narrative: Theory, History, and Practice
Richardson - Narrative Theory Unbound: Queer and Feminist Interventions
Warhol and Lanser, eds. - Narrative Paths: African Travel in Modern Fiction and Nonfiction
Mikkonen - Ethics and the Dynamic Observer Narrator: Reckoning with Past and Present in German Literature
Byram - Feminist Narrative Ethics: Tacit Persuasion in Modernist Form
- The Reader as Peeping Tom: Nonreciprocal Gazing in Narrative Fiction and Film
Hawthorn - Thomas Hardy’s Brains: Psychology, Neurology, and Hardy’s Imagination
Keen - The Return of the Omniscient Narrator: Authorship and Authority in Twenty-First Century Fiction
Dawson - Real Mysteries: Narrative and the Unknowable
Abbott - A Poetics of Unnatural Narrative
Alber, Nielsen, and Richardson, eds. - Narrative Discourse: Authors and Narrators in Literature, Film, and Art
Hogan - Literary Identification from Charlotte Brontë to Tsitsi Dangarembga
Green - An Aesthetics of Narrative Performance: Transnational Theater, Literature, and Film in Contemporary Germany
Breger - Narrative Theory: Core Concepts and Critical Debates
Herman, Phelan and Rabinowitz, Richardson, and Warhol - After Testimony: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Holocaust Narrative for the Future
Lothe, Suleiman, and Phelan, eds. - The Vitality of Allegory: Figural Narrative in Modern and Contemporary Fiction
Johnson - Narrative Middles:
Navigating the Nineteenth-Century Novel
Levine and Ortiz-Robles, eds. - Fact, Fiction, and Form:
Selected Essays
Rader - The Real, the True, and the
Told: Postmodern Historical Narrative and the Ethics of Representation
Berlatsky - Franz Kafka: Narration,
Rhetoric, and Reading
Lothe, Sandberg, and Speirs, eds. - Postclassical Narratology: Approaches and Analyses
Alber and Fludernik, eds. - Narrative Structures and the Language of the Self
Clark - Social Minds in the Novel
Palmer - Imagining Minds: The Neuro-Aesthetics of Austen, Eliot, and Hardy
Young - Tabloid, Inc.: Crimes,
Newspapers, Narratives
Pelizzon and West - Towards the Ethics of Form in
Fiction: Narratives of Cultural Remission
Toker - Techniques for Living:
Fiction and Theory in the Work of Christine Brooke-Rose
Lawrence - Narrative Means, Lyric Ends: Temporality in the Nineteenth-Century British
Long Poem
Morgan - Understanding Nationalism: On Narrative, Cognitive Science, and Identity
Hogan - Joseph Conrad: Voice,
Sequence, History, Genre
Lothe, Hawthorn, and Phelan, eds. - The Rhetoric of
Fictionality: Narrative Theory and the Idea of Fiction
Walsh - Experiencing Fiction:
Judgments, Progressions, and the Rhetorical Theory of Narrative
Phelan - Unnatural Voices:
Extreme Narration in Modern and Contemporary Fiction
Richardson - Narrative Causalities
Kafalenos - Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel
Zunshine - I Know That You Know That I Know:
Narrating Subjects from Moll Flanders to Marnie
Butte - Bloodscripts: Writing
the Violent Subject
Gomel - Having a Good Cry: Effeminate
Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms
Warhol - Surprised by Shame:
Dostoevsky's Liars and Narrative Exposure
Martinsen - Narrative Dynamics:
Time, Plot, Closure, and Frames
Richardson, ed. - Politics, Persuasion, and
Pragmatism: A Rhetoric of Feminist Utopian Fiction
Peel - Breaking the Frame:
Metalepsis and the Construction of the Subject
Malina - Telling Tales: Gender and
Narrative Form in Victorian Literature and Culture
Langland - Invisible Author:
Last Essays
Brooke-Rose - Ordinary Pleasures: Couples,
Conversation, and Comedy
Young - Narratologies: New
Perspectives on Narrative Analysis
Herman, ed. - Before Reading: Narrative
Conventions and the Politics of Interpretation
Rabinowitz - Matters of Fact: Reading
Nonfiction over the Edge
Lehman - The Progress of Romance:
Literary Historiography and the Gothic Novel
Richter - A Glance Beyond Doubt:
Narration, Representation, Subjectivity
Rimmon-Kenan - Narrative as Rhetoric:
Technique, Audiences, Ethics, Ideology
Phelan - Misreading Jane Eyre: A Postformalist Paradigm
Beaty - Psychological Politics
of the American Dream: The Commodification of Subjectivity in
Twentieth-Century American Literature
Tyson - Understanding Narrative
Phelan and Rabinowitz, eds. - Framing Anna Karenina: Tolstoy, the Woman Question, and the Victorian Novel
Mandelker - Reading People, Reading
Plots: Character, Progression, and the Interpretation of Narrative (OSU Press electronic edition)
Phelan - Gendered Interventions: Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel (OSU Press electronic edition)