Fall 2017

Community In-Between / Urur Dhex-Dhexaad Ah: Portraits of Somali-Americans in Columbus
Qorsho Hassan and Ruth M. Smith

Through a Long Absence: Words from My Father’s Wars
Joy Passanante

Curiouser and Curiouser: Essays
Nicholas Delbanco

Every Species of Hope: Georgics, Haiku, and Other Poems
Michael J. Rosen

You, Me, and the Violence
Catherine Taylor

Lee Martin

Brief Interviews with the Romantic Past
Kathryn Nuernberger

Basics of Language for Language Learners, 2nd Edition
Peter W. Culicover and Elizabeth V. Hume

Political Appetites: Food in Medieval English Romance
Aaron Hostetter

Permissible Narratives: The Promise of Latino/a Literature
Christopher González

Invention and Authorship in Medieval England
Robert R. Edwards

Divergent Trajectories: Interviews with Innovative Fiction Writers
Flore Chevaillier

Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Literature: Literary and Cultural Essays
Jesús Rosales and Vanessa Fonseca

Walker Percy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and the Search for Influence
Jessica Hooten Wilson

Narrative, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
Edited by James J. Donahue, Jennifer Ho, and Shaun Morgan

Beyond Tordesillas: New Approaches to Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies
Edited by Robert Patrick Newcomb and Richard A. Gordon

Reading Conrad
J. Hillis Miller
Edited by John G. Peters and Jakob Lothe

Literatures of Liberation: Non-European Universalisms and Democratic Progress
Mukti Lakhi Mangharam

Contemporary Advances in Theoretical and Applied Spanish Linguistic Variation
Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana
Now Available in Paperback

The Gentleman from Ohio
Louis Stokes with David Chanoff
Foreword by Congressman John Lewis

The Ohio State University in the Sixties: The Unraveling of the Old Order
William J. Shkurti

Lustron Stories
Charles Mintz

Columbus, Ohio: Two Centuries of Business and Environmental Change
Mansel G. Blackford

La Verdad: An International Dialogue on Hip Hop Latinidades
Edited by Melissa Castillo-Garsow and Jason Nichols

The Immigrant Kitchen: Food, Ethnicity, and Diaspora
Vivian Nun Halloran

The Ethics of Swagger: Prizewinning African American Novels, 1977–1993
Michael DeRell Hill

Preaching and the Rise of the American Novel
Dawn Coleman

Fear, Loathing, and Victorian Xenophobia
Edited by Marlene Tromp, Maria K. Bachman, and Heidi Kaufman

Economic Women: Essays on Desire and Dispossession in Nineteenth-Century British Culture
Lana L. Dalley and Jill Rappoport

Order in Disorder: Intratextual Symmetry in Montaigne’s “Essais”
Randolph Paul Runyon

Fama and Fiction in Vergil’s Aeneid
Antonia Syson