Spring 2020

My Private Lennon:
Explorations from a Fan Who Never Screamed
O’Sullivan Sibbie

The Adventures of Chupacabra Charlie:
Written by
Frederick Luis Aldama
Illustrated by
Chris Escobar

Wandering Dixie:
Dispatches from the Lost Jewish South
Sue Eisenfeld

Just an Ordinary Woman Breathing :
Julie Marie Wade

Voices from the Ape House:
Beth Armstrong

The Columbus Anthology:
Edited and with an Introduction by Amanda Page

Praying Naked:
Katie Condon

Latinx Rising:
An Anthology of Latinx Science Fiction and Fantasy
Edited by Matthew David Goodwin Introduction by Frederick Luis Aldama

Baseball as Mediated Latinidad:
Race, Masculinity, Nationalism, and Performances of Identity
Jennifer Domino Rudolph

Unstable Masks:
Whiteness and American Superhero Comics
Edited by Sean Guynes
and Martin Lund
Foreword by
Frederick Luis Aldama
Afterword by Noah Berlatsky

Jordan Peele’s Get Out:
Political Horror
Edited by Dawn Keetley

Zoetropes and the Politics of Humanhood:
Allison L. Rowland

Vaccine Rhetorics:
Heidi Yoston Lawrence

The Ethics of Persuasion: Derrida's Rhetorical Legacies:
Brooke Rollins

The White Trash Menace and Hemispheric Fiction:
Ramón E. Soto-Crespo

Debating Rhetorical Narratology:
On the Synthetic, Mimetic, and Thematic Aspects of Narrative
Matthew Clark and James Phelan

Unnatural Narratology:
Extensions, Revisions, and Challenges
Edited by Jan Alber and Brian Richardsonr

Transmedia Adaptation in the Nineteenth Century:
Lissette Lopez Szwydky

Missionary Cosmopolitanism in Nineteenth-Century British Literature :
Winter Jade Werner

Environment and Narrative:
New Directions in Econarratology
Erin James and Eric Morel
New in Paperback

Albertus Magnus Animals:
A Medieval Summa Zoologica (2 vols)
Translated and annotated by Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr. & Irven Michael Resnick

On the Back of a Turtle:
A Narrative of the Huron-Wyandot People
Lloyd E. Divine Jr.