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T = trade discount. S = short discount. Ebooks become available in all formats as titles release.
We welcome review, exam, and desk copy requests; most trade books are also available as digital review copies on Edelweiss.
Women Surrounded by Water
A Memoir
Patricia Coral
$19.95 T paperback
“Women Surrounded by Water is a memoir-song-ode-manifesto-rosary to the Puerto Rican women of a family with ghosts for men. . . . It is a story of betrayals, of oneself and others, and of the hungers of the heart such struggles leave behind. Coral has contained my very history, my heartbreak, along with her own.” —Anjanette Delgado
A propulsive memoir of personal and natural disasters—and the self-discovery made possible only when we choose what to leave behind.
Series: Machete
Creative Nonfiction, Latinx & Latin American Studies
Me llamo Marcela
My Story as a Heritage Speaker
Written by Marcela T. Garcés Illustrated by Andrés E. Garcés
$14.95 T paperback
“Me llamo Marcela wonderfully captures that awkward feeling of straddling cultures. A great story about how weird it is to grow up Colombian in the Midwest, how we can proudly own our weirdness, and how we have the power to choose our own identity.” —Jorge Aguirre
A graphic memoir about the complicated path of language and identity that Marcela travels as a young heritage Spanish speaker.
Comics & Comics Studies, Latinx & Latin American Studies, Creative Nonfiction
The Registry of Forgotten Objects
Miles Harvey
22.95 T paperback
“By turns wry, heartbreaking, funny, and grief-haunted, these deceptively clear stories interlock to reveal wonderful depths, objects embodying the characters’ loves and losses diving below the waters only to resurface transformed. A beguiling read.” —Andrea Barrett
Short stories that use inanimate objects and how humans relate to them to examine grief, environmental disaster, and other themes of contemporary life.
Series: The Journal Non/Fiction Prize
Trespassing Natures
Species Migration and the Right to Space
Donnie Johnson Sackey
$99.95 S hardcover
$32.95 S paperback
“Configuring space, identity, and institutions as the social actors that frame invasive species, Sackey thoughtfully expands notions of community to include those we often want to exclude from consideration.” —Jennifer Clary-Lemon
Forwards a discursive and rhetorical definition of invasion, offering a new paradigm that reconsiders what it means to live in multi-species communities.
Rhetoric & Communication, Cultural Studies
Rhetorical Economies of Whiteness
Exploring the Intersections of Power, Privilege, and Race
Edited by Robert Asen and Casey Ryan Kelly
$129.95 S hardcover
$37.95 S paperback
“Brings multilayered and nuanced discussions throughout American studies, media studies, and critical whiteness studies into the field of white rhetorical studies. Contributors … theorize our contemporary moment with urgency.” —Hannah Noel
Examines the interplay of rhetoric, whiteness, and economics, illustrating how economic and class structures incentivize adherence to whiteness as an identity formation and form of symbolic capital.
Rhetoric & Communication, American Studies, Cultural Studies
The Erotic as Rhetorical Power
Archives of Romantic Friendship between Women Teachers
Pamela VanHaitsma
$99.95 S hardcover
$32.95 S paperback
“VanHaitsma guides her readers to a nuanced understanding of how same-sex and other queer relationships sustain the lives and political expressions of women rhetoricians. Her voice is clear, direct, and organized as she . . . formulate[s] a theory of the erotic that remains relevant and urgently needed today.” —Aimee Carrillo Rowe
A queer feminist history of rhetoric that looks at the erotic as a complicated site of rhetorical power, asking us to read the archives critically and differently.
Series: Intersectional Rhetorics
Rhetoric & Communication, Gender & Sexuality Studies
China Pop!
Pop Culture, Propaganda, Pacific Pop-Ups
Sheng-mei Ma
$119.95 S hardcover
$36.95 S paperback
“In this valuable and fascinating contribution to the limited literature on contemporary Chinese pop culture, Ma convincingly analyzes the duality and dialectics inherent in propaganda, the doubling motif, the aesthetics of the uncanny, the cleaving of Chineseness, and more. A stroke of genius.” —Jin Liu
Takes an autotheoretical approach to critiquing the propaganda embedded in millennial Chinese pop culture, particularly TV dramas, films, and web novels, from both within and outside China.
Asian & Asian American Studies, Film & Media Studies
Against Exclusion
Disrupting Anti-Chinese Violence in the Nineteenth Century
Audrey Wu Clark
$99.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
“Rich in historical detail, Against Exclusion establishes a model for Asian American literature/culture criticism that showcases the intellectual potential of interdisciplinary, historically situated scholarship of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century cultural production. A deeply engaging, original work.” —James Kyung-Jin Lee
Reframes Asian American resistance via the lives of five early Chinese American public figures, tracing the emergence of violently imposed exceptionalism and mapping its reverberations into the present day.
American Literature, Asian & Asian American Studies, Race & Ethnic Studies
Indigenous Dispossession, Anti-Immigration, and the Public Pedagogy of US Empire
Leah Perry
$119.95 S hardcover
$36.95 S paperback
“This well-written study draws on various area studies to demonstrate how the structures of settler colonialism remain. A worthwhile intervention in interdisciplinary studies.” —Jennifer Nez Denetdale (Diné)
Traces the ways that the United States created its empire through public pedagogies surrounding Indigenous dispossession, gendered state violence, and racialized immigration.
Series: Race and Mediated Cultures
Race & Ethnic Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies, American Studies
Exclusion, Violence, and Indigenous Migrants in the East Bay
Cruz Medina
$99.95 S hardcover
$24.95 S paperback
“Sanctuary is a piece of vital scholarship that teaches us how to maintain analytic focus at varying levels of the social scale to address the dangerous colonial nexus of power, while simultaneously introducing us to real people with real names and faces to whom we are fundamentally connected.” —Christina Cedillo
Brings Indigenous migrant populations to the fore of intersecting issues of immigration, violence, language, and property to cast light on citizenship, literacy, and exclusion in the United States.
Series: Global Latin/o Americas
Latinx & Latin American Studies, Race & Ethnic Studies, American Studies
Zones of Encuentro
Language and Identities in Northern New Mexico
Lillian Gorman
$99.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
“This interdisciplinary and innovative work looks at how communication and community intertwine as Spanish speakers with different backgrounds come together, sometimes clashing and sometimes blending to form new zones of encuentro. The use of testimonios gives voice to the people included and highlights their linguistic and ideological negotiations.” —Damián Vergara Wilson
Explores the complexity of language ideologies, language practices, identity formations, and internal differences within Nuevomexicano-Mexicano families in northern New Mexico.
Series: Global Latin/o Americas
Latinx & Latin American Studies, American Studies, Race & Ethnic Studies
Pitfalls of Prestige
Black Women and Literary Recognition
Laura Elizabeth Vrana
$59.95 S hardcover
“Few scholars have so convincingly dissected the logic and the priorities by which awards-granting institutions distribute prestige, and none has done so while also providing the incisive close readings of complex, challenging poetry that Vrana has here. Pitfalls of Prestige in an impressive achievement.” —Keith D. Leonard
Surveys how developments in American literary institutions since 1980 have shaped—and been shaped by—Black women poets, showing how seeming gestures of inclusion can co-opt or constrain the work.
American Literature, Black Studies, Race & Ethnic Studies
Black Speculative Feminisms
Memory and Liberated Futures in Black Women’s Fiction
Cassandra L. Jones
99.95 S hardcover
29.95 S paperback
“Jones’s theory of restorative fabulation, her contributions to Black ecofeminism, and her fluency in Black feminist literary theory provide an illuminating lens for understanding how Black women archive the past and create the future.” —Shelley S. Streeby
Charts the moments in Black women’s science fiction and fantasy where characters harness, or fail to harness, the power of memory, transforming it from passive recollection to social action.
Series: New Suns: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Speculative
Black Studies, American Literature
Rewriting Islam
Decolonialism, Justice, and Contemporary Muslimah Literature
Hasnul Insani Djohar
$99.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
“Expertly positions underrepresented Muslimah voices at the heart of contemporary discussions on representation, diaspora, migration, and the challenges of anti-Muslim racism. ” —Danielle Haque
Considers a wide range of contemporary works by American Muslimah writers, showing how they seek gender and social justice through interconnectedness, spirituality, and sisterhood across diverse communities.
American Literature, Race & Ethnic Studies
On Edge
Gender and Genre in the Work of Shirley Jackson, Patricia Highsmith, and Leigh Brackett
Ashley Lawson
$59.95 S hardcover
“On Edge is exactly what scholarship should be. Lawson convincingly unpacks the biases of gender and genre at midcentury and proves that Jackson, Highsmith, and Brackett experimented with, and at times subversively transformed, popular genres.” —Margaret Reid
Reframes postwar American literary fiction through the work of Leigh Brackett, Shirley Jackson, and Patricia Highsmith, arguing that recognizing genre play as literary skill is essential for a more inclusive canon.
American Literature, Literary Theory
Women at Odds
Indifference, Antagonism, and Progress in Late Victorian Literature
Riya Das
$69.95 S hardcover
“Das defies the long-held assumption that solidarity and collaboration are the basis for women’s progress, highlighting instead how some women are marginalized to enable the advancement of others.” —Rachel Hollander
Demonstrates the limitations of female solidarity in Victorian society, showing how the New Woman fashioned social progress for herself through indifference and antagonism toward femininities she excluded as “other.”
Victorian Studies, British & Irish Literature
Refiguring Race and Risk
Counternarratives of Care in the US Security State
Roberta Wolfson
$69.95 S hardcover
“Making compelling connections among surveillance, identity, and aesthetics, Wolfson illuminates an exciting archive of works by writers of color, including immigrant writers, to bring together critical race studies, comparative literature, critical security studies, art and aesthetics, and political studies.” —Kumarini Silva
Illuminates how writers of color disrupt the racialized policies of the US security state and reimagine risk management through counternarratives of care and community building.
American Literature, Race & Ethnic Studies
Petrochemical Fantasies
The Art and Energy of American Comics
Daniel Worden
$99.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
“Combining insights from two of the most rapidly expanding areas of humanities inquiry—energy humanities and comics studies—Petrochemical Fantasies is highly relevant and the first major work in its area. Scholars in both fields will find new and valuable material.” —Bart Beaty
A new history of US comics in the Anthropocene that excavates the interdependence of comics, petrochemicals, and modern energy culture.
Series: Studies in Comics and Cartoons
Comics & Comics Studies, American Studies, Film & Media Studies
Never on Time, Always in Time
Narrative Form and the Queer Sensorium
Kate McCullough
$69.95 S hardcover
“Never on Time, Always in Time … accomplishes a queer narratology that clearly and coherently connects specific narrative devices with such major concerns of queer theory as temporality, futurity, materiality, affect, and anti-heteronormative resistance. A transformative work.” —Robyn Warhol
Explores how writers summon queer bodily experiences by way of the senses, opening new perspectives onto queer history, futurity, and relationality.
Series: Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Narrative Studies, Literary Theory, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Dark Mirror
African Americans and the Federal Writers’ Project
J. J. Butts
Available 7/2024
$32.95 S paperback
“Dark Mirror is a fascinating look at the making of Black history as it was produced by writers on Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration. It offers many unknown and complex ways that Black WPA writers engaged US literary modernism.” —Brian Dolinar
Demonstrates how Black writers negotiated and revised New Deal ideas through their contributions to the Federal Writers’ Project, ultimately introducing a more inclusive, pluralist understanding of American culture and history.
Black Studies, Literary Studies, American Studies, History
Asian American Players
Masculinity, Literature, and the Anxieties of War
Audrey Wu Clark
Available 9/2024
$34.95 S paperback
“Asian American Players makes innovative contributions to Asian American literary scholarship both in its historicizing approach ... and by centering underexamined Asian American cisgender masculinity.” —Belinda Kong
Showcases how the literary figure of the Asian American player unsettles the hegemony of white American masculinity through mimicry and reveals how that masculinity drives US militarism.
American Literature, Race & Ethnic Studies, Asian & Asian American Studies
Out of Mind
Mode, Mediation, and Cognition in Twenty-First-Century Narrative
Torsa Ghosal
Available 11/2024
$39.95 S paperback
Integrates narrative theory, multimodality studies, cognitive sciences, and disability studies to situate contemporary literature’s depiction of thought within current debates about cognition.
Series: Cognitive Approaches to Culture
American Literature, Literary Theory, Narrative Studies
Digital Fiction and the Unnatural
Transmedial Narrative Theory, Method, and Analysis
Astrid Ensslin and Alice Bell
Available 12/2024
$34.95 S paperback
“Digital Fiction and the Unnatural stands as a vibrant, field-expanding work of scholarship. Summing up: Highly recommended.” —CHOICE Reviews
Refines, critiques, and expands unnatural, cognitive, and transmedial narratology by looking at digital-born fictions.
Series: Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Narrative Studies
Art, Theory, Revolution
The Turn to Generality in Contemporary Literature
Mitchum Huehls
Available 10/2024
$39.95 S paperback
“With theoretical capaciousness, thematic timeliness, and rhetorical clarity, Art, Theory, Revolution makes a much-needed intervention into ongoing discussions about fictional realism, historical fiction, and political forms.” —Alexandra Kingston-Reese
Rethinks the politics of form in twenty-first-century US fiction, culminating in the first major study of generality in literature.
American Literature, Literary Theory
Material Remains
Reading the Past in Medieval and Early Modern British Literature
Edited by Jan-Peer Hartmann and Andrew James Johnston
Available 12/2024
$39.95 S paperback
“Its chronological sweep and the attention to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries make Material Remains a welcome departure from business as usual in medieval English (note: not “British”) studies.” —Eric Weiskot
Examines how medieval and early modern British texts use descriptions of archaeological objects to produce aesthetic and literary responses to questions of historicity and epistemology.
Series: Interventions: New Studies in Medieval Culture
Literary Theory, Medieval Studies, British & Irish Literature
Queer Economic Dissonance and Victorian Literature
Meg Dobbins
Available 10/2024
$32.95 S paperback
“Dobbins foregrounds the eccentric, the antinormative, and the messy elements of Victorian economic subjects and their practices, all the while achieving an excellent balance of theoretical discussion, historical work, and smart close readings of literary texts. She engages with a diversity of contemporary scholarship with authority and verve.” —Aeron Hunt
Examines how precarious economic figures in texts by Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, Mary Seacole, and more queered Victorian socioeconomic norms.
Victorian Studies, 19th-Century Literature, British & Irish Literature
Victorian Hands
The Manual Turn in Nineteenth-Century Body Studies
Edited by Peter J. Capuano and Sue Zemka
Available 9/2024
$34.95 S paperback
“Victorian Hands tells a remarkable story about the meaning and matter of the human hand. ... For anyone interested in figural representation, this book illuminates the hand’s extraordinary capacities as both agent and object.” —William A. Cohen
Focuses on the materiality of hands to show the role that the hand plays in Victorian literature and culture.
Victorian Studies, 19th-Century Literature, British & Irish Literature
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Our journals program welcomes submissions to our award-winning journals, which are closely related to many of our books program’s major subject areas. Current content for each journal can be found on its Project MUSE landing page.
Adoption and Culture
Emily Hipchen, Ed.
Adoption & Culture publishes essays on any aspect of adoption’s intersection with culture, including but not limited to scholarly examinations of adoption practice, law, art, literature, ethics, science, life experiences, film, or any other popular or academic representation of adoption. It is the journal of The Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture .
American Periodicals
Sarah Salter and Jean Roggenkamp, Eds.
American Periodicals, the journal of the Research Society for American Periodicals, is devoted exclusively to scholarship and criticism relating to American magazines and newspapers of all periods. It includes essays, notes, reviews, bibliographies, and histories on all aspects of American periodicals.
Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society
Qiana Whitted, Ed.
Inks, the journal of the Comics Studies Society, features scholarly research on sequential art, graphic narrative, and cartooning. It brings together scholarly essays, archival materials, and insights from leading comics professionals. It invites essays on all periods of comic history, as well as considering both a US or an international comics focus.
The Journal of Race & Policy
Michael L. Clemons, Ed.
The Journal of Race & Policy provides an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of research on public policy issues including education, employment, health care, political participation, social welfare, and social justice. As an independent, peer-reviewed, scholarly publication, the journal seeks to promote intellectual debate, rigorous investigation, and the development of new ideas on race, ethnicity, diversity, and public policy in American society and the global arena. JRP seeks to bring to academia and policy makers timely perspectives and insights about race and ethnicity and their relevance to policy-related topics.
James Phelan, Ed.
Narrative is the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Narrative. Its mission is to publish essays that contribute to both narrative theory and the interpretation of individual narratives. The journal is interested in narrative across disciplines and across media.
North American Journal of Celtic Studies
Joseph Eska, Ed.
The North American Journal of Celtic Studies is the official journal of the Celtic Studies Association of North America. CSANA fosters research in all aspects of Celtic studies—including literature, language, history, law, folklore, art, and archeology. NAJCS provides a forum for publication across all disciplines and all time periods that bear upon Celtic studies.
Deborah Logan, Ed.
Victorians welcomes interdisciplinary approaches to Victorian literature and culture and continues to respond to developmental shifts in the discipline of Victorian studies.
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