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Birding While Indian
A Mixed-Blood Memoir
Thomas C. Gannon
$19.95 T paperback
“A much-needed and much-appreciated addition to Native literature.” —Tiffany Midge
Catalogs a lifetime of bird sightings to explore the part-Lakota author’s search for identity and his reckoning with colonialism’s violence against Indigenous humans, animals, and land.
Series: Machete
Creative Nonfiction, Indigenous Studies, Nature
Everything I Never Wanted to Know
Christine Hume
$19.95 T paperback
“This book altered me and my expectations of literature.” —Porochista Khakpour
Draws on current events, history, and personal narrative to offer an intimate, unflinching look at the vulnerability and stigma of women’s bodies and the persistence of misogyny in America.
Series: 21st Century Essays
Creative Nonfiction, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Safe in a Midwife's Hands
Birthing Traditions from Africa to the American South
Linda Janet Holmes
$22.95 T paperback
“A passionate, beautifully written account of the under-researched history of Black midwives on the African continent and in the American South.” —Beverly Guy-Sheftall
Interviews Black midwives in Africa and the US to detail birthing and postpartum traditions as vital cultural practices that counterbalance racism within medical systems.
Black Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Health, Creative Nonfiction
Mistaken for an Empire
A Memoir in Tongues
Christine Imperial
$21.95 T paperback
“Drop everything and read this searing debut.” —Gabrielle Civil
One Filipino American’s exploration of hybrid identity and her own complicated relationship with nation, empire, family, and language.
Series: 21st Century Essays
Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Asian and Asian American Studies
Twenty Square Feet of Skin
Megan Baxter
$22.95 T paperback
“Smart, literary, and patient, these essays show how a life story might best be told in fragments.” —Elena Passarello
Personal essays that—through tattoos, plastic surgery, running, physical labor, and more—explore the body and its connection to identity creation and the world around us.
Series: 21st Century Essays
Creative Nonfiction
Sex Depression Animals
Mag Gabbert
$16.95 T paperback
“Mag Gabbert announces herself as a new force in American poetry.” —Matthew Zapruder
Redefines the bestiary in fiery, insistent, and resistant terms to recast the turbulence of adolescence and chart new paths toward linguistic and bodily autonomy in adulthood.
Series: The Journal Non/Fiction Prize
The Fertile Earth and the Ordered Cosmos
Reflections on the Newark Earthworks and World Heritage
Edited by M. Elizabeth Weiser, Timothy R. W. Jordan, and Richard D. Shiels
$24.95 T paperback
Ohio, Public history, Indigenous Studies
Inscrutable Eating
Asian Appetites and the Rhetorics of Racial Consumption
Jennifer Lin LeMesurier
$99.95 S hardcover
$29.95 S paperback
“LeMesurier persuasively demonstrates how the racialization and alienization of Asians have long been coded in discourse on food.” —Shui-yin Sharon Yam
Investigates how the rhetorical framing of cultural food and eating practices underpins our understanding of race and gender in contemporary America.
Series: Intersectional Rhetorics
Rhetoric and Communication, Asian and Asian American Studies, Race and Ethnic Studies, American Studies
Caribbean American Narratives of Belonging
Vivian Nun Halloran
$99.95 S hardcover
$29.95 S paperback
“Halloran [forwards] a welcome and compelling approach that moves beyond a single national lens to consider the region as a whole.” —Joseph A. Keith
Analyzes an archive of contemporary cultural artifacts to show how Americans of Caribbean heritage narrate and celebrate their contributions to politics, art, and activism.
Literary Studies, American Studies, Race and Ethnic Studies
Hawking Women
Falconry, Gender, and Control in Medieval Literary Culture
Sara Petrosillo
$99.95 S hardcover
“[Petrosillo] touches on so many topics: the strange intimacies of memory training that bonded a bird with its handler, gender hierarchies, and especially the entangled freedom and constraint of poetics.” —Karl Steel
Uniting feminist, formalist, and material historical approaches, explores how symbolic and literal hawking women resisted patriarchal control in medieval culture.
Series: Interventions: New Studies in Medieval Culture
Medieval Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies
The Necromantics
Reanimation, the Historical Imagination, and Victorian British and Irish Literature
Renée Fox
$69.95 S hardcover
“A powerfully argued account of the rhetoric and representation of reanimation in the nineteenth century.” —Patrick R. O’Malley
Critiques the boundary between Victorian studies and Irish studies and interrogates how nineteenth-century works involving reanimated bodies use undead figures to reimagine the past.
Victorian Studies
Post-Postmodernist Fiction and the Rise of Digital Epitexts
Virginia Pignagnoli
$79.95 S hardcover
“[Provides] rich and compelling examples of the evolving condition of author/reader communication during the current digital age.” —Daniel Punday
Explores how digital epitexts surrounding contemporary novels by Michael Chabon, Jennifer Egan, Catherine Lacey, Meg Wolitzer, and Dave Eggers influence audience understanding and response.
Series: Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Narrative Studies
The Story of Fictional Truth
Realism from the Death to the Rise of the Novel
Paul Dawson
$74.95 S hardcover
“Challenging the impulse to ascribe absolute representational effects to narrative modes, Dawson gives us an important new literary history of the novel.” —Dorothy Hale
Challenges prevailing accounts of the novel’s rise to reveal how changing concepts of fictionality have shaped the realist novel from the eighteenth through the twenty-first centuries.
Series: Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Narrative Studies
Becoming Pynchon
Genetic Narratology and V.
Luc Herman and John M. Krafft
$79.95 S hardcover
“No one has examined the V. typescript with anything resembling the depth, detail, and keen interpretive eye that Herman and Krafft have here. Unique in the critical landscape, Becoming Pynchon is a first-rate work of scholarship and adds rich textual grounding to a biographical field often driven by anecdote and apocrypha.” —Jeffrey Severs, coeditor of Pynchon’s Against the Day: A Corrupted Pilgrim’s Guide
Examines the development of Thomas Pynchon’s foundational novel, V., bringing the author back into the frame of narratology and offering an important corrective to the field.
Series: Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Narrative Studies
Missionary Cosmopolitan in Nineteenth-Century British Literature
Winter Jade Werner
Available 5/8/2023
$34.95 S paperback
“Offers a valuable new perspective on enduring debates about, and histories of, cosmopolitanism, as well as a rich overview of missionary discourse, ideologies, and practices during the age of empire and beyond.” —Tanya Agathocleous
Examines the missionary roots of cosmopolitanism through Romantic and Victorian literature, revealing the interconnectedness between evangelically motivated imperialisms and secularized cosmopolitanism.
Series: Literature, Religion, and Postsecular Studies
Victorian Studies, Religious Studies
Improbability, Chance, and the Nineteenth-Century Realist Novel
Adam Grener
Available 3/1/2023
$34.95 S paperback
“This book powerfully addresses what might seem to be one of the great stumbling blocks of nineteenth-century realism: its reliance on chance and coincidence.” —Richard Menke
Explores the importance of chance, coincidence, and contingency in the Victorian realist novel.
Narrative Studies, Victorian Studies
Eternalized Fragments
Reclaiming Aesthetics in Contemporary World Fiction
W. Michelle Wang
Available 2/8/2023
$34.95 S paperback
“By drawing on cognitive and neurological research, Wang offers a three-tiered theoretical model that shows how readers’ form, sense, and moral drives contribute to the appreciation of literary works as vivid reading experiences.” —Alison Gibbons
Explores the implications of treating literature as art by putting narrative and philosophical approaches in conversation with cognitive science.
Series: Cognitive Approaches to Culture
Narrative Studies, Literary Theory
Transmedia Adaptation in the Nineteenth Century
Lissette Lopez Szwydky-Davis
Available 2/8/2023
$34.95 S paperback
“A superb work of scholarship that will open up adaptation studies to literary historians and reinforce … adaptation’s crucial role in history and cultural production.” —Julie Grossman
Situates the history of adaptation, transmedia storytelling, convergence culture, and participatory fandom within the varied commercial and artistic practices of the nineteenth century across forms and media.
Victorian Studies, Film and Media Studies
Death and the Pearl Maiden
Plague, Poetry, England
David K. Coley
Available 1/8/2023
$34.95 paperback
“This is a bold book, replete with shimmering argument leading to daring conclusions.” —Helen Barr
Shows how English responses to the Black Death were hidden in plain sight—as seen in the Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight poems.
Series: Interventions: New Studies in Medieval Culture
Medieval Studies
Sparks Flew
WOSU’s Century on the Air
Thomas M. Rieland
Available 3/8/2023
$24.95 T paperback
“A highly informative and entertaining read.” —Fred Andrle
A history of the Ohio State University’s critical role in the birth and sustainability of educational radio and television.
Ohio, Regional Interest
Reading Ovid in Medieval Wales
Paul Russell
Available 4/8/2023
$47.95 S paperback
“This important book will become the standard edition of this particular manuscript.” —Helen Fulton
Provides the first complete edition and discussion of the earliest surviving fragment of Ovid’s love poetry deriving from ninth-century Wales.
Series: Text and Context
Medieval Studies, Classics
Theatrical Jazz
Performance, Àṣẹ, and the Power of the Present Moment
Omi Osun Joni L. Jones
Available 1/8/2023
$32.95 S paperback
“This is a stunning book, beautifully written and rare (but abundantly necessary) in its tribute to Black intellectual and performance traditions.” —D. Soyini Madison
Studies the use of jazz aesthetics in theatre as created by major practitioners of the form.
Series: Black Performance and Cultural Criticism
Performance Studies, Literary Studies, Black Studies
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Our journals program welcomes submissions to our award-winning journals, which are closely related to many of our books program’s major subject areas. Current content for each journal can be found on its Project MUSE landing page.
Adoption and Culture
Emily Hipchen, Ed.
Adoption & Culture publishes essays on any aspect of adoption’s intersection with culture, including but not limited to scholarly examinations of adoption practice, law, art, literature, ethics, science, life experiences, film, or any other popular or academic representation of adoption. It is the journal of The Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture .
American Periodicals
Sarah Salter and Jean Roggenkamp, Eds.
American Periodicals, the journal of the Research Society for American Periodicals, is devoted exclusively to scholarship and criticism relating to American magazines and newspapers of all periods. It includes essays, notes, reviews, bibliographies, and histories on all aspects of American periodicals.
Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society
Qiana Whitted, Ed.
Inks, the journal of the Comics Studies Society, features scholarly research on sequential art, graphic narrative, and cartooning. It brings together scholarly essays, archival materials, and insights from leading comics professionals. It invites essays on all periods of comic history, as well as considering both a US or an international comics focus.
James Phelan, Ed.
Narrative is the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Narrative. Its mission is to publish essays that contribute to both narrative theory and the interpretation of individual narratives. The journal is interested in narrative across disciplines and across media.
North American Journal of Celtic Studies
Joseph Eska, Ed.
The North American Journal of Celtic Studies is the official journal of the Celtic Studies Association of North America. CSANA fosters research in all aspects of Celtic studies—including literature, language, history, law, folklore, art, and archeology. NAJCS provides a forum for publication across all disciplines and all time periods that bear upon Celtic studies.
Deborah Logan, Ed.
Victorians welcomes interdisciplinary approaches to Victorian literature and culture and continues to respond to developmental shifts in the discipline of Victorian studies.
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