Fall 2019

Not Far from Me
Stories of Opioids and Ohio
Edited by Daniel Skinner and Berkeley Franz
Foreword by Ted Strickland

A Mile and a Half
of Lines
The Art of James Thurber
Michael J. Rosen
with contributions from Ian Frazier, Seymour Chwast, Liza Donnelly, Michael Maslin, and Rosemary Thurber

An American Tale, Vol. 1
Wilfred Santiago

On Our Way Home from the Revolution Reflections on Ukraine
Sonya Bilocerkowycz

Echo’s Fugue
Desirae Matherly

Katherine Zlabek

The Rise, Decline, and
Transition of an Industrial City
Adam A. Millsap

Talking #browntv
Latinas and Latinos on the
Frederick Luis Aldama and William Anthony Nericcio

Inconvenient Strangers
Transnational Subjects and the
Politics of Citizenship
Shui-yin Sharon Yam

The Politics of
Adoption, Abortion, and
Surrogacy in the Age of
Edited by Modhumita Roy and Mary Thompson

Afrofuturism Rising
The Literary Prehistory
of a Movement
Isiah Lavender III

The Paradox of Blackness in African American Vampire Fiction
Jerry Rafiki Jenkins

Staging Black Fugitivity
Stacie Selmon McCormick

Precarious Crossings
Immigration, Neoliberalism,
and the Atlantic
Alexandra Perisic

Making Conversation in Modernist Fiction
Elizabeth Alsop

Playing at Narratology
Digital Media as Narrative Theory
Daniel Punday

Producing Mass
The Serial Life of the Yellow Kid
Christina Meyer

The Tenniel Illustrations to the “Alice” Books, 2nd edition
Michael Hancher
New Paperbacks

Walker Percy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and the Search for Influence
Jessica Hooten Wilson

A Poet’s Year, With Seasonal Recipes
David Young

Reading the Fascicles of
Emily Dickinson
Dwelling in Possibilities
Eleanor Elson Heginbotham

The Imagination of Class
Masculinity and the Victorian Urban Poor
Dan Bivona and Roger B. Henkle
Distributed for Impromptu Press

Not Even Past
A History of the Department of English, The
Ohio State University, 1870–2000
Morris Beja and Christian K. Zacher