Fall 2020
How to Make a Slave and Other Essays:
Jerald Walker
Like Love:
Michele Morano
Don't Look Now:
Things We Wish We Hadn't Seen
Edited by Kristen Iversen and David Lazar
Sign Here If You Exist and Other Essays:
Jill Sisson Quinn
Fulfilling the 21st Century Land-Grant Mission:
Essays in Honor of The Ohio State University’s Sesquicentennial Commemoration
Edited by Stephen M. Gavazzi and David J. Staley
Rated RX:
Sheree Rose with and after Bob Flanagan
Edited by Yetta Howard
Rhetoric of Health and Medicine As/Is:
Theories and Approaches for the Field
Edited by Lisa Melonçon, S. Scott Graham, Jenell Johnson, John A. Lynch, and Cynthia Ryan
Where's the Rhetoric?:
Imagining a Unified Field
S. Scott Graham
Literary Afrofuturism in the Twenty-First Century:
Edited by Isiah Lavender III and Lisa Yaszek
Victorian Hands:
The Manual Turn in Nineteenth-Century Body Studies
Edited by Peter J. Capuano and Sue Zemka
Archive Feelings:
A Theory of Greek Tragedy
Mario Telò
New in Paperback
Replotting Marriage In Nineteenth-Century British:
Edited by Jill Galvan and Elsie Michie