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We Take Our Cities with Us
A Memoir
Sorayya Khan
$19.95 T paperback
“A memoir of uncommon delicacy and emotional force.” —Claire Messud
A Pakistani-Dutch writer’s multicultural memoir of grief and immigrant experience that illuminates the complexities of identity and inheritance in a global world.
Series: Machete
Creative Nonfiction
Chi Boy
Native Sons and Chicago Reckonings
Keenan Norris
$21.95 T paperback
“By revealing in painstaking detail what America has been, Norris leaves us with the important question of what it will become.” —Justin Gifford
Blends memoir, family history, and literary biography to portray Chicago as both a cradle of Black intellect, art, and politics and a distillation of America’s deepest tragedies.
Series: Machete
Creative Nonfiction, Literary Studies, Black Studies
We Got By
A Black Family’s Journey in the Heartland
Ric S. Sheffield
$26.95 T paperback
“A powerfully written portrayal of Black Midwestern rural life in the early part of the twentieth century.” —Allen B. Ballard
A heartfelt, clear-eyed, and rare chronicle of Black life in the rural Midwest, spanning four generations.
Ohio, Race & Ethnic Studies, Black Studies, History
Engine Running
Chesley Cade Mason
$22.95 T paperback
“One of the most potent incantations of a particular time and place I can remember reading in a long time.” —Ryan Van Meter
A queer coming-of-age memoir-in-essays that investigates a family’s fracturing in the aftermath of divorce in rural West Texas.
Series: 21st Century Essays
Creative Nonfiction
Our Sister Who Will Not Die
Rebecca Bernard
$23.95 T paperback
“These edgy, unflinching, yet compassionate stories plunge us deep into the complexity of messy lives, deep into the minds of people we might prefer to dismiss.” —Leslie Pietrzyk
Stories that bring the reader face to face with the frailties of human character and demonstrate how the yearning for connection allows beauty and hope to emerge from darkness.
Series: The Journal Non/Fiction Prize
A History of Physical Education and Athletics at Oberlin College
Lee C. Drickamer
$39.95 T paperback
Examines the development and history of the first program for physical educators and athletics at Oberlin College, from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.
Deflective Whiteness
Coopting Black and Latinx Identity Politics
Hannah Haynes (Noel)
$129.95 S hardcover
$32.95 S paperback
Details the appropriation of social justice rhetoric to claim Whiteness as an aggrieved social status, enabling White supremacy and deepening racial inequities.
Series: Race and Mediated Cultures
Cultural Studies, Race & Ethnic Studies, Rhetoric & Communication, American Studies
Against Marginalization
Convergences in Black and Latinx Literatures
Jose Octavio Fernandez
$99.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
Through comparative analysis, illuminates key convergences in the development of Black and Latinx literary traditions through some of their most representative authors.
Latinx & Latin American Studies, Black Studies, American Studies, Literary Studies
Adoption across Race and Nation
US Histories and Legacies
Silke Hackenesch
$129.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
Analyzes transnational and transracial adoption, highlighting the past and continuing discourses around adoption as it relates to race, nation, immigration, belonging, and citizenship.
Series:Formations: Adoption, Kinship, and Culture
American Studies, Race & Ethnic Studies, Cultural Studies
Gendered Defenders
Marvel’s Heroines in Transmedia Spaces
Bryan J. Carr and Meta G. Carstarphen, Eds.
$119.95 S hardcover
$36.95 S paperback
Analyzes Marvel superheroines such as Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel, Shuri, Black Widow, and Squirrel Girl across media formats to understand and critique real-world gender dynamics.
Series: New Suns: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Speculative
Gender & Sexuality Studies, Film & Media, Comics & Comics Studies
The Healing Stage
Black Women, Incarceration, and the Art of Transformation
Lisa Lynn Biggs
$139.95 S hardcover
$37.95 S paperback
Focuses on prison-based arts programs to illustrate how Black feminist cultural traditions enable women to investigate root causes of crime, refute dominant narratives, and heal.
Series: Black Performance and Cultural Criticism
Black Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Decolonial Conversations in Posthuman and New Material Rhetorics
Jennifer Clary-Lemon and David M. Grant, Eds.
$129.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
Brings together new materialist and decolonial rhetorics to respond to frustrations of erasure, otherness, and marginalization in the fields of rhetoric, writing, and communication.
Constellating Home
Trans and Queer Asian American Rhetorics
Vox Jo Hsu
$99.95 S hardcover
$29.95 S paperback
Examines counterstories where queer, trans, and disabled Asian Americans recover and reimagine shared histories, connecting individual experiences into grounds for solidarity and disruptions of dominant narratives.
Series: Intersectional Rhetorics
Rhetoric & Communication, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Race & Ethnic Studies, Disability Studies
At Home in the Anthropocene
Amy D. Propen
$99.95 S hardcover
$29.95 S paperback
Applies the tenets of posthumanism, compassionate conservation, and entangled empathy to wildlife stories to construct a multi-species conceptualization of home in an age of climate crisis.
Beyond the Icon
Asian American Graphic Narratives
Eleanor Rose Ty
$99.95 S hardcover
$32.95 S paperback
Demonstrates how contemporary Asian American creators employ graphic narrative to counter harmful misrepresentations and show Asian Americans as complex, nuanced individuals.
Series: Studies in Comics and Cartoons
Race & Ethnic Studies, Comics & Comics Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies, American Studies
Comics and Nation
Power, Pop Culture, and Political Transformation in Poland
Ewa Marzena Stanczyk
$149.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
Traces the production and reception of comics in Poland from 1918 through the post-Communist era to identify comics as a lynchpin of nation building and citizenship formation.
Series: Studies in Comics and Cartoons
Comics & Comics Studies, Literary Studies
Queer Economic Dissonance and Victorian Literature
Margaret Dobbins
$69.95 S hardcover
Examines how precarious economic figures in texts by Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, Mary Seacole, and more queered Victorian socioeconomic norms.
Victorian Studies, Literary Studies
A New Anatomy of Storyworlds
What Is, What If, As If
Marie-Laure Werz Ryan
$89.95 S hardcover
Grounds narratology in the concept of world to propose an alternative to the rhetorical, feminist, unnatural, and cognitive approaches that currently dominate the field.
Series: Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Narrative Studies, Literary Theory
Fictionality and Literature
Core Concepts Revisited
Lasse R. Gammelgaard
$79.95 S hardcover
Employs a rhetorical definition of fictionality to reconceive of basic literary concepts such as author, narrator, plot, character, consciousness, tropes, intertextuality, and paratext.
Series: Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Literary Theory, Narrative Studies
Art, Theory, Revolution
The Turn to Generality in Contemporary Literature
Mitchum Huehls
$69.95 S hardcover
Rethinks the politics of form in twenty-first-century US fiction, culminating in the first major study of generality in literature.
American Studies, LIterary Theory
Women’s Friendship in Medieval Literature
Karma Davey Lochrie
$99.95 S hardcover
Charts the understudied topic of women’s friendship in medieval literature across a range of texts and historical contexts, with attention to gender, religion, politics, sexuality, and civic structures.
Series: Interventions: New Studies in Medieval Culture
Literary Studies, Medieval Studies
Lists in Medieval and Early Modern Literature
Eva von Contzen
$99.95 S hardcover
Unearths the cultural significance of medieval and early modern lists from Chaucer’s and Spenser’s epic catalogues of trees, to household vocabulary, to genealogies and bestiaries.
Series: Interventions: New Studies in Medieval Culture
Medieval Studies
Reconstruction Fiction
Housing and Realist Literature in Postwar Britain
Paula Derdiger
$34.95 S paperback
Available 08/08/2022
Assesses the impact of World War II and the welfare state on literary fiction by focusing on housing.
Literary Studies
The Tenniel Illustrations to the “Alice” Books, Second Edition
Michael Hancher
$39.95 S paperback
Available 08/08/2022
A comprehensive study of the illustrations that John Tenniel drew for Lewis Carroll’s two “Alice” books; revised with six new chapters.
Literary Studies, Victorian Studies
The Gee Years, 2007–2013
Herb Asher
$27.95 S paperback
Available 05/06/2022
Chronicles E. Gordon Gee’s second tenure as president of The Ohio State University, from 2007–2013.
Ohio, History
American Exceptionalism as Religion
Postmodern Discontent
Jordan Carson
$34.95 S paperback
Available 11/08/2022
Identifies American exceptionalism as an emerging form of religion while exploring alternatives through works by Don DeLillo, Ana Castillo, Thomas Pynchon, George Saunders, and Marilynne Robinson.
Series: Literature, Religion, and Postsecular Studies
Literary Studies, American Studies
Environment and Narrative
New Directions in Econarratology
Erin James and Eric Morel, Eds.
$34.95 S paperback
Available 07/08/2022
Collection of essays connecting ecocriticism and narrative theory to encourage constructive discourse about narrative’s influence on real-world environmental perspectives.
Series:Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Narrative Studies, Literary Studies, American Studies
Good Words
Evangelicalism and the Victorian Novel
Mark Knight
$34.95 S paperback
Available 10/08/2022
Shows how evangelicalism was crucial to the development of the Victorian novel and how it shaped major fictional works.
Series: Literature, Religion, and Postsecular Studies
Literary Studies, American Studies, Victorian Studies
A Poetics of Plot for the Twenty-First Century
Theorizing Unruly Narratives
Brian Richardson
$34.95 S paperback
Available 9/08/2022
Provides a more comprehensive model for considering story and plot that encompasses both traditional narratives and postmodern experiments.
Series:Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Literary Studies, Narrative Studies
Playing at Narratology
Digital Media as Narrative Theory
Daniel Punday
$34.95 S paperback
Available 12/08/2022
Argues that digital media allows us to see unresolved tensions, ambiguities, and gaps in core narrative concepts, revealing complexity and unexplored potential.
Series:Theory and Interpretation of Narrative
Film & Media, Narrative Studies
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Our journals program welcomes submissions to our award-winning journals, which are closely related to many of our books program’s major subject areas. Current content for each journal can be found on its Project MUSE landing page.
Adoption and Culture
Emily Hipchen, Ed.
Adoption & Culture publishes essays on any aspect of adoption’s intersection with culture, including but not limited to scholarly examinations of adoption practice, law, art, literature, ethics, science, life experiences, film, or any other popular or academic representation of adoption. It is the journal of The Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture .
American Periodicals
Sarah Salter and Jean Roggenkamp, Eds.
American Periodicals, the journal of the Research Society for American Periodicals, is devoted exclusively to scholarship and criticism relating to American magazines and newspapers of all periods. It includes essays, notes, reviews, bibliographies, and histories on all aspects of American periodicals.
Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society
Qiana Whitted, Ed.
Inks, the journal of the Comics Studies Society, features scholarly research on sequential art, graphic narrative, and cartooning. It brings together scholarly essays, archival materials, and insights from leading comics professionals. It invites essays on all periods of comic history, as well as considering both a US or an international comics focus.
James Phelan, Ed.
Narrative is the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Narrative. Its mission is to publish essays that contribute to both narrative theory and the interpretation of individual narratives. The journal is interested in narrative across disciplines and across media.
North American Journal of Celtic Studies
Joseph Eska, Ed.
The North American Journal of Celtic Studies is the official journal of the Celtic Studies Association of North America. CSANA fosters research in all aspects of Celtic studies—including literature, language, history, law, folklore, art, and archeology. NAJCS provides a forum for publication across all disciplines and all time periods that bear upon Celtic studies.
Deborah Logan, Ed.
Victorians welcomes interdisciplinary approaches to Victorian literature and culture and continues to respond to developmental shifts in the discipline of Victorian studies.
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