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I Would Meet You Anywhere
A Memoir
Susan Kiyo Ito
$24.95 T paperback
“An intimate, deftly told story illuminating adoption’s complications and losses.” —Nicole Chung
A memoir of one Japanese American adoptee’s experiences with her birth mother, love, family, and identity.
Series: Machete
The Hunger Book
A Memoir from Communist Poland
Agata Izabela Brewer
$24.95 T paperback
“A rare and harrowing pleasure.” —Joy Castro
Essays, with recipes, about food, deprivation, and resilience during a childhood under the last years of Poland’s Communist regime as the daughter of an unstable, alcoholic mother.
Winner of the Gournay Prize
Series: 21st Century Essays
Melt with Me
Coming of Age and Other ’80s Perils
Paul Crenshaw
$24.95 T paperback
“I’ve never been more certain while reading a book that I will wear it out as thoroughly as the VHS tapes of my favorite 1980s movies.” —James Tate Hill
Personal and historical essays about how pop culture and the Cold War shaped the fears and dreams of those coming of age in the 1980s.
Night Mother
A Personal and Cultural History of The Exorcist
Marlena Williams
$19.95 T paperback
“I devoured this book.…Night Mother is a keen investigation of American cinema, American girlhood, and American fear.” —Elena Passarello
A personal and cultural excavation of The Exorcist’s messages about faith, girlhood, illness, guilt, desire, and death as well as its lasting impact on the author’s life.
Series: 21st Century Essays
Zoo World
Mary Quade
$21.95 T paperback
“Mary Quade is like a girl-guide transcendentalist. She has an unquenchable thirst for natural history—ducklings, milkweed, snake farms—and an unflinching eye for environmental crime.” —Mary Norris
Melds travel and nature writing to explore humans’ attempts at redemption for violence they have visited upon the world, each other, and other species.
Winner of The Journal Non/Fiction Prize
Series: The Journal Non/Fiction Prize
Growing Up Graphic
The Comics of Children in Crisis
Alison Halsall
$139.95 S hardcover
$37.95 S paperback
“A timely and invigorating read.” —Michelle Ann Abate
Interrogates how diverse graphic texts for children contest images of childhood victimization and helplessness and help young readers develop ideas about social justice.
Series: Studies in Comics and Cartoons
Muslim Comics and Warscape Witnessing
Esra Mirze Santesso
$149.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
“Santesso’s sophisticated close readings and remarkable range of scholarship make Muslim Comics and Warscape Witnessing an essential addition to the field.” —Kate Polak
As the first major study of comics by and about Muslim people, explores how graphic narratives from within and outside the Middle East articulate Muslim subjectivities.
Series: Studies in Comics and Cartoons
Nuclear Decolonization
Indigenous Resistance to High-Level Nuclear Waste Siting
Danielle Endres
$129.95 S hardcover
$34.95 S paperback
“An exemplar of both localized case studies and broader critiques of racism, nuclearism, and colonialism—all while demonstrating care and respect for subject matter, people, and culture.” —Stephen Depoe
Shows how the Western Shoshone, Southern Paiute, and Skull Valley Goshute peoples prevented two nuclear waste sites from being built on Indigenous lands, highlighting two sets of rhetorical, decolonial tactics.
Mapping the Stars
Celebrity, Metonymy, and the Networked Politics of Identity
Claire Sisco King
$99.95 S hardcover
$32.95 S paperback
A serious, critical, and extraordinarily creative version of the Kevin Bacon game.” —Casey Ryan Kelly
Examines the public images of Norman Rockwell, Will Smith, and Kim Kardashian across mediums and deploys a rhetorical study of celebrity to challenge normative ideas about selfhood.
Heteroflexibility, Neoliberalism, and Latin/o American Sexual Practice
Ramón E. Soto-Crespo
$99.95 S hardcover
$29.95 S paperback
“A beautiful intervention into Global North sexual categories and their occlusions.” —Jane Ward
Confounds conventional assumptions of “heteroflexible” sex between men by chronicling the transformation of the bugarrón into the neobugarrón, a neoliberal, market-oriented sexual actor.
Adoption Fantasies
The Fetishization of Asian Adoptees from Girlhood to Womanhood
Kimberly D. McKee
$129.95 S hardcover
$32.95 S paperback
“McKee applies a much-needed intersectional feminist adoptee of color lens to Asian American stereotypes and adoption tropes in media.” —Kim Park Nelson
Asian American Players
Masculinity, Literature, and the Anxieties of War
Audrey Wu Clark
$69.95 S hardcover
“[An] innovative contributions to Asian American literary scholarship.” —Belinda Kong
Showcases how the literary figure of the Asian American player unsettles the hegemony of white American masculinity through mimicry and reveals how that masculinity drives US militarism.
The Vulnerability of Public Higher Education
Michael Bernard-Donals
$99.95 S hardcover
$29.95 S paperback
“Bernard-Donals provides a shattering theory of institutional vulnerability and what this means for faculty members working in higher education today.” —Debra Hawhee
Examines the crisis of precarity in public higher education, looking at how vulnerability can build structures of solidarity to protect faculty work.
City Scripts
Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures
Edited by Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma
$59.95 S hardcover
“City Scripts is a reminder that the stories we tell about cities can be just as important as a new policy or funding scheme.” —Robert R. Gioielli
Via German and American case studies, analyzes uses of narrative and scripting to appeal to stakeholders in urban change, with consequences for urban futures worldwide.
The Feeling of Letting Die
Necroeconomics and Victorian Fiction
Jennifer MacLure
$69.95 S hardcover
“Intelligent, well-researched, and situated in the wake of essential critical works of the last decade.” —Audrey Jaffe
Uses the term “necroeconomics” to conceptualize and explore how Victorian novels depict feelings that both fuel and are produced by an economic system that capitalizes upon death.
Pregnancy in the Victorian Novel
Livia Arndal Woods
$69.95 S hardcover
“Insightful and persuasive.” —Pamela K. Gilbert
Traces the connections between the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth occurring over the Victorian era and contemporary and historical lived experiences to argue for the value of somatic reading.
Contemporary French and Francophone Narratology
Edited by John Pier
Available 12/2023
$39.95 S paperback
“Not only provides a broad and diverse range of work but it also illuminates various narrative aspects and narratological areas.” —Gerald J. Prince
Takes the pulse of recent developments in narratological research in the French-speaking countries.
Archive Feelings
A Theory of Greek Tragedy
Mario Telò
Available 11/2023
$39.95 S paperback
“Original and truly bold.” —Mark Padilla
Using classic Greek texts and modern theory, Telò forges a new model of tragic aesthetics.
Romanticism’s Other Minds
Poetry, Cognition, and the Science of Sociability
John Savarese
Available 10/2023
$39.95 S paperback
“[Savarese] makes a highly original contribution, adding something genuinely new to the discussion of poetry and cognition.” —Alan Richardson
Reassesses early negotiations between poetry and the sciences, demonstrating how poetry represents the staging ground for a surprising set of debates about the naturally social mind.
Series: Cognitive Approaches to Culture
Novels of Displacement
Fiction in the Age of Global Capital
Marco Codebò
Available 9/2023
$34.95 S paperback
“Offers important insights that will enhance our understanding of our contemporary material conditions … as the basis for the novel’s rebirth in our century.” —Paulo Moreira
Analyzes how contemporary authors—specifically Bernardo Carvalho, Daniel Sada, Zadie Smith, and Mathias Énard—resist displacement and offer a redemptive vision for the place of the novel for the future.
The Politics of Privacy in Contemporary Native, Latinx, and Asian American Metafictions
Colleen G. Eils
Available 8/2023
$34.95 S paperback
“[The author pays] brilliant attention to the politics of the archive and to the ways in which literature might be used to evade social responsibility by providing readers with a false sense of closure.” –Channette Romero
Explores contemporary metafictions by writers of color and Indigenous writers and how they engage visibility, privacy, and access.
A Theology of Sense
John Updike, Embodiment, and Late Twentieth-Century American Literature
Scott Dill
Available 7/2023
$29.95 S paperback
“This book will considerably deepen our understanding of how Updike developed a unique ‘theology of sense’ out of his lifelong reading of Christian theology and religious history.” —Mark Eaton
Explores embodiment, aesthetics, and theology in Updike’s work through the five senses and his influence on late twentieth-century American writers.
The Medieval Risk-Reward Society
Courts, Adventure, and Love in the European Middle Ages
Will Hasty
Available 7/2023
$35.95 S paperback
“A wonderful, creative diachronic study.” —G. Ronald Murphy
Combines a sociological approach to medieval courtly literature with game theory to reveal the blossoming of a worldview in which outcomes are uncertain.
Selected Writings of Selma Fraiberg
Edited by Louis Fraiberg with a Foreword by Robert N. Emde, M.D.
Paperback reissue with new lower price 7/2023
$39.95 S paperback
“Jargon-free, straightforward, dramatic, and even beautiful. . . . [Fraiberg] will surprise and astound those in her audience who are unfamiliar with her work. The authenticity of the writer and her caring make this book come alive.” —Kirkus
The selected writings of renowned twentieth-century child-development researcher Selma Fraiberg, including some of her major contributions to attachment theory and her work with blind infants.
Motherhood in Bondage
Margaret Sanger with a Foreword by Margaret Marsh
$24.95 S paperback
Of stark relevance to current events, this emotional and harrowing book collects letters to Sanger from women seeking abortion and birth control advice in the early 20th century, with a foreword by renowned reproductive historian Margaret Marsh.
Series: Women, Gender, and Health
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Our journals program welcomes submissions to our award-winning journals, which are closely related to many of our books program’s major subject areas. Current content for each journal can be found on its Project MUSE landing page.
Adoption and Culture
Emily Hipchen, Ed.
Adoption & Culture publishes essays on any aspect of adoption’s intersection with culture, including but not limited to scholarly examinations of adoption practice, law, art, literature, ethics, science, life experiences, film, or any other popular or academic representation of adoption. It is the journal of The Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture .
American Periodicals
Sarah Salter and Jean Roggenkamp, Eds.
American Periodicals, the journal of the Research Society for American Periodicals, is devoted exclusively to scholarship and criticism relating to American magazines and newspapers of all periods. It includes essays, notes, reviews, bibliographies, and histories on all aspects of American periodicals.
Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society
Qiana Whitted, Ed.
Inks, the journal of the Comics Studies Society, features scholarly research on sequential art, graphic narrative, and cartooning. It brings together scholarly essays, archival materials, and insights from leading comics professionals. It invites essays on all periods of comic history, as well as considering both a US or an international comics focus.
James Phelan, Ed.
Narrative is the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Narrative. Its mission is to publish essays that contribute to both narrative theory and the interpretation of individual narratives. The journal is interested in narrative across disciplines and across media.
North American Journal of Celtic Studies
Joseph Eska, Ed.
The North American Journal of Celtic Studies is the official journal of the Celtic Studies Association of North America. CSANA fosters research in all aspects of Celtic studies—including literature, language, history, law, folklore, art, and archeology. NAJCS provides a forum for publication across all disciplines and all time periods that bear upon Celtic studies.
Deborah Logan, Ed.
Victorians welcomes interdisciplinary approaches to Victorian literature and culture and continues to respond to developmental shifts in the discipline of Victorian studies.
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